10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Invenio digital library technology for open research data repositories

10 Oct 2016, 12:00
Sierra C (San Francisco Mariott Marquis)

Sierra C

San Francisco Mariott Marquis

Oral Track 8: Security, Policy and Outreach Track 8: Security, Policy and Outreach


Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN)


We present the new Invenio 3 digital library framework and demonstrate
its application in the field of open research data repositories. We
notably look at how the Invenio technology has been applied in two
research data services: (1) the CERN Open Data portal that provides
access to the approved open datasets and software of the ALICE, ATLAS,
CMS and LHCb collaborations; (2) the Zenodo service that offers an open
research data archiving solution to world-wide scientific communities in
any research discipline.

Invenio digital library framework is composed of more than sixty
independently developed packages on top of the Flask web development
environment. The packages share a set of common patterns and communicate
together via well-established APIs. The packages come with extensive
test suite and example applications and use Travis continuous
integration practices to ensure quality. The packages are often
developed by independent teams with special focus on topical use cases
(e.g. library circulation, multimedia, research data). The separation of
packages in the Invenio 3 ecosystem enables their independent
development, maintenance and rapid release cycle. This also allows the
prospective digital repository managers who are interested in deploying
an Invenio solution at their institutions to cherry-pick the individual
modules of interest with the aim of building a customised digital
repository solution targeting their particular needs and use cases.

We discuss the application of the Invenio package ecosystem in the
research data repository problem domain. We present how a researcher can
easily archive their data files as well as their analysis software code
or their Jupyter notebooks via GitHub <-> Zenodo integration. The
archived data and software is minted with persistent identifiers to
ensure their further citeability. We present how the JSON Schema
technology is used to define the data model describing all the data
managed by the repository. The conformance to versioned JSON schemas
ensure the coherence of metadata structure across the managed assets.
The data is further indexed using Elasticsearch for the information
retrieval needs. We describe the role of the CERN EOS system used as the
underlying data storage via a Pythonic XRootD based protocol. Finally,
we discuss the role of virtual environments (CernVM) and container-based
solutions (Docker) used with the aim of reproducing the archived
research data and analyses software even many years after their

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Collaborative tools
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Preservation of analysis and data
Tertiary Keyword (Optional) Experience/plans from outside experimental HEP/NP


Presentation materials