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10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Challenges in Scaling NLO Generators to Leadership Computers

11 Oct 2016, 14:45
GG A+B (San Francisco Mariott Marquis)


San Francisco Mariott Marquis

Oral Track 5: Software Development Track 5: Software Development


Taylor Childers (Argonne National Laboratory (US))


Exascale computing resources are roughly a decade away and will be capable of 100 times more computing than current supercomputers. In the last year, Energy Frontier experiments crossed a milestone of 100 million core-hours used at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, and NERSC. The Fortran-based leading-order parton generator called Alpgen was successfully scaled to millions of threads to achieve this level of usage on Mira. Sherpa and MadGraph are next-to-leading order generators used heavily by LHC experiments for simulation. Integration times for high-multiplicity or rare NLO processes can take a week or more on standard Grid machines, even using all 16-cores. We will describe our work to scale these generators to millions of threads on leadership-class machines to reduce run times to less than a day. This work allows the experiments to leverage large-scale parallel supercomputers for event generation today, freeing tens of millions of grid hours for other work, and paving the way for future applications (simulation, reconstruction) on these and future supercomputers.

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) High performance computing
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Parallelizarion
Tertiary Keyword (Optional) Event generators

Primary author

Taylor Childers (Argonne National Laboratory (US))


Doug Benjamin (Duke University (US)) Thomas Le Compte (Argonne National Laboratory (US)) Thomas Uram (Argonne Leadership Computing Facility)

Presentation materials