10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

How to keep the Grid full and working with ATLAS production and physics jobs

10 Oct 2016, 12:15
GG C2 (San Francisco Mariott Marquis)


San Francisco Mariott Marquis

Oral Track 3: Distributed Computing Track 3: Distributed Computing


The ATLAS production system has provided the infrastructure to process of tens of thousand of events during LHC Run1 and the first year of the LHC Run2 using grid, clouds and high performance computing. We address in this contribution all the strategies and improvements added to the production system to optimize its performance to get the maximum efficiency of available resources from operational perspective and focussing in detail in the recent developments.

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Distributed workload management
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Computing models


Andreu Pacheco Pages (Institut de Física d'Altes Energies - Barcelona (ES))

Presentation materials