10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Development of stable Grid service at the next generation system of KEKCC

11 Oct 2016, 15:15
GG C2 (San Francisco Mariott Marquis)


San Francisco Mariott Marquis

Oral Track 3: Distributed Computing Track 3: Distributed Computing


Tomoaki Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))


A lot of experiments in the field of accelerator based science are actively running at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) by using SuperKEKB and J-PARC accelerator in Japan. In these days at KEK, the computing demand from the various experiments for the data processing, analysis and MC simulation is monotonically increasing. It is not only for the case with high-energy experiments, the computing requirement from the hadron and neutrino experiments and some projects of astro-particle physics is also rapidly increasing due to the very high precision measurement. Under this situation, several projects, Belle II, T2K, ILC and KAGRA experiments supported by KEK are going to utilize Grid computing infrastructure as the main computing resource. The Grid system and services in KEK, which is already in production, are upgraded for the further stable operation at the same time of whole scale hardware replacement of KEK Central Computer (KEKCC). The next generation system of KEKCC start the operation from the beginning of September 2016. The basic Grid services e.g. BDII, VOMS, LFC, CREAM computing element and StoRM storage element are made by the more robust hardware configuration. Since the raw data transfer is one of the most important tasks for the KEKCC, two redundant GridFTP servers are adapted to the StoRM service instances with 40Gbps network bandwidth on the LHCONE routing. These are dedicated to the Belle II raw data transfer to the other sites apart from the servers for the data transfer usage of the other VOs. Additionally, we prepare the redundant configuration for the database oriented services like LFC and AMGA by using LifeKeeper. The LFC servers are made by two read/write servers and one read-only server for the Belle II experiment, and all of them have individual database for the purpose of load balancing. The FTS3 service is newly deployed as a service for the Belle II data distribution. The service of CVMFS startum-0 is started for the Belle II software repository, and stratum-1 service is prepared for the other VOs. In this way, there are lot of upgrade for the real production service of Grid infrastructure at KEK Computing Research Center. In this presentation, we would like to introduce the detailed configuration of the hardware for Grid instance, and several mechanism to construct the robust Grid system in the next generation system of KEKCC.

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Computing middleware
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Computing facilities


Tomoaki Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))


Go Iwai (KEK) Hiroyuki Matsunaga (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) Koichi Murakami Dr Soh Suzuki (KEK) Takashi Sasaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) Wataru Takase (KEK)

Presentation materials