10–14 Oct 2016
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Primary Vertex Reconstruction with the ATLAS experiment

13 Oct 2016, 11:45
GG C1 (San Francisco Mariott Marquis)


San Francisco Mariott Marquis

Oral Track 2: Offline Computing Track 2: Offline Computing


Kathryn Grimm (Lancaster University (GB))


Efficient and precise reconstruction of the primary vertex in
an LHC collision is essential in both the reconstruction of the full
kinematic properties of a hard-scatter event and of soft interactions as a
measure of the amount of pile-up. The reconstruction of primary vertices in
the busy, high pile-up environment of Run-2 of the LHC is a challenging
task. New methods have been developed by the ATLAS experiment to
reconstruct vertices in such environments. Advances in vertex seeding
include methods taken from medical imaging, which allow for reconstruction
of multiple vertices with small spatial separation. The adoption of this
new seeding algorithm within the ATLAS adaptive vertex finding and fitting
procedure will be discussed, and the first results of the new techniques
from Run-2 data will be presented. Additionally, data-driven methods to
evaluate vertex resolution will be presented with special focus on correct
methods to evaluate the effect of the beam spot constraint; results from
these methods in Run-2 data will be presented.

Primary Keyword (Mandatory) Reconstruction
Secondary Keyword (Optional) Algorithms



Kathryn Grimm (Lancaster University (GB))

Presentation materials