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Searching for Exotic Hidden Signatures with ATLAS in LHC Run 2: Workshop on the Detection of Dark Sector Signals -- First Day Open Sessions

Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy (Other Institutes)

Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

Other Institutes

Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)

This is the first day, open to the LHC community.  For the internal ATLAS sessions on the second and third days, go here:

Internal ATLAS days


LHC Run 2 is uncharted territory. The unprecedented 13 TeV centre-of-mass energy and high luminosities present a fantastic opportunity to discover new physics arising from dark or hidden sector models and an unique opportunity to unveil new boundaries in our understanding of nature.There is a rich program in the ATLAS experiment of searches for dark photons, hidden valley pions, exotic decay channels of the Higgs boson, and many other exotic hidden signatures from the dark sector.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts from the theoretical and the ATLAS experimental communities in various aspects of hidden sector physics for a joint brainstorming on the status of this research, identify areas for common efforts and improvements and set new promising directions. The present status of the analyses will be reviewed with the idea to unify the search strategies and tools.

This first day (9 February 2016) of the workshop is an "open session", open to all members of the LHC community around the world, and is devoted to discussions with theorists about the best possible discovery signatures and methods of evaluating models and presenting results.

Everybody can participate and contribute with ideas, comments and suggestions.

The two subsequent days (10-11 February 2016) are focused on internal ATLAS analyses and discussions, and are hosted here:

Internal ATLAS days

The workshop will be hosted in the beautiful medieval town of Cosenza, Italy.

A vidyo connection is provided following the link

    • 09:00 09:15
      Opening by the Chancellor of the University of Calabria 15m Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
      Speaker: Gino Mirocle Crisci (University of Calabria)
    • 09:15 09:45
      Searching for Exotic Hidden Signatures with ATLAS at the LHC: 8 TeV Legacy and 13 TeV Prospects 30m Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
      Speaker: James Beacham (Ohio State University (US))
    • 09:45 10:30
      Overview and New(Old) Thoughts on Dark[Hidden] Sector{Valleys} 45m Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
      Speaker: Prof. Matt Strassler (Harvard University)
    • 10:30 11:15
      Exotics from a Hidden Sector (Through Examples) 45m Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
      Speaker: Tomer Volansky (Tel Aviv University (IL))
    • 11:15 12:00
      Photon-Jets 45m Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
      Speaker: Jakub Scholtz (Harvard University)
    • 12:00 12:45
      Emerging Jets 45m Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
      Speaker: Andreas Weiler (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
    • 12:45 14:30
      Lunch Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
    • 14:30 15:15
      Inelastic Dark Matter 45m Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
      Speaker: Brian Shuve (Perimeter Institute)
    • 15:15 16:00
      Dark Matter Signatures in Cosmology and Connection with Searches at Colliders 45m Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Sala Nova - Palazzo del Governo - Cosenza, Italy

      Other Institutes

      Piazza XV Marzo - Cosenza (Italy)
      Speaker: Pasquale Serpico (Unite Reseaux du CNRS (FR))
    • 16:00 18:30
      Cosenza Tour Cosenza Old Town

      Cosenza Old Town

    • 18:30 20:30
      Traditional Calabrian Cuisine Enoteca Regionale

      Enoteca Regionale

      Other Institutes

    • 21:00 23:00
      UNICAL: Classical Concert Auditorium, University of Calabria

      Auditorium, University of Calabria

      Other Institutes