15–20 Feb 2010
TU Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Semiconductor detectors

17 Feb 2010, 09:00
HS 1 (TU Vienna)

HS 1

TU Vienna

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria


Frank Hartmann (Inst. fuer Experimentelle Kernphys.-Universitaet Karlsruhe-Unkno)


The contribution briefly describes the functionality of high position resolution semiconductor detectors and gives an overview of the historical evolution of semiconductor sensors in the field of High Energy Physics. After depicting the technology of today leading to the most amazing results at the recent start of the LHC, the talk describes latest R&D advances in radiation hardness technologies to ensure the possibility to establish detectors for the future SLHC. Consequently semiconductor sensor candidates for a future linear collider are also briefly introduced.

Primary author

Frank Hartmann (Inst. fuer Experimentelle Kernphys.-Universitaet Karlsruhe-Unkno)

Presentation materials