12th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation - VCI 2010

HS 1 (TU Vienna)

HS 1

TU Vienna

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
Gerald Badurek (TU Vienna), Josef Hrubec (Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY)), Manfred Jeitler (Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY)), Manfred Krammer (Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY)), Meinhard Regler (Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY) - Oesterreichische Akad.), Thomas Bergauer (Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY)), Winfried Mitaroff (AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES // INSTITUTE OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS)
VCI 2010
    • 09:30 10:00
      Registration & Coffee 30m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 10:00 10:20
      Welcome Address 20m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      Speaker: Prof. Hans Karl Kaiser (Vice-rector of the Vienna Univ. of Technology)
    • 10:20 10:40
      Opening 20m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      Speaker: Prof. Helmut Denk (President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)
    • 10:40 12:20
      Large Detector Systems 1 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      Convener: Manfred Krammer (Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY))
      • 10:40
        Large Space Telescopes 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Telescopes in space are reaching the limit of what the present detector technology can achieve. Nevertheless, there is a growing need to image large fractions of sky and to study faint and cool signals from the Universe. This talk will describe how future space telescopes are planning to address these requirements by building large arrays of pixelized sensors and/or large field of view detectors. We will focus only on space experiments that measure emissions from the electromagnetic spectrum.
        Speaker: Prof. Eduardo do Couto e Silva (SLAC)
      • 11:30
        The Gigatracker: an ultra fast and low mass silicon pixel detector for the NA62 experiment 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The Gigatracker is a hybrid silicon pixel detector developed to track the highly intense NA62 hadron beam with a time resolution of 150 ps (rms). The beam spectrometer of the experiment is composed of three Gigatracker stations installed in vacuum in order to precisely measure momentum, time and direction of every traversing particle. Precise tracking demands a very low mass of the detector assembly (less than 0.5% X0 per station) in order to limit multiple scattering and beam hadronic interactions. Fluences of up to 2 x 10^14 1 MeV n eq. cm^-2 are expected during one year of operation, due to the high intensity beam (0.8-1.0 GHz in total, hence the detector name). The very low mass of the detector, the necessary operation in vacuum and the harsh radiation environment require a very efficient cooling system. The high rate and especially the high timing precision requirements are very demanding: two R&D options are ongoing and the corresponding prototype read-out chips have been recently designed and produced in 130 nm CMOS technology. One solution makes use of a constant fraction discriminator and on-pixel analogue-based time-to-digital-converter (TDC); the other comprises a digital-based TDC placed at the end of each pixel column and a time-over-threshold discriminator with time-walk correction technique. The current status of the R&D program is overviewed and preliminary results from the prototype read-out chips test are presented.
        Speaker: Massimiliano Fiorini (CERN)
      • 11:55
        Results from the first LHC beam reconstructed tracks in the LHCb Vertex Locator 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        LHCb is a dedicated experiment at the LHC to study CP violation and rare b decays. The vertex locator (VELO) is a silicon strip detector designed to measure precisely the production and decay vertices of B-mesons. The detector is positioned within 8 mm of the LHC beams and will operate in an extreme radiation environment. The VELO consists of two retractable detector halves with 21 silicon micro-strip tracking modules each. A module is composed of two n+-on-n 300 micron thick half disc sensors with R and Phi micro-strip geometry. The detectors are operated in vacuum and a bi-phase C02 cooling system used. The full system has been operated since June 2008. During the LHC synchronization tests in 2008 and 2009 the LHCb detectors measured secondary particles produced by the interaction of the LHC beam on an absorber. Around 100,000 tracks were reconstructed in the VELO and they were used to derive the relative timing alignment between the sensors and for the first evaluation of the alignment. Using this track sample the VELO has been aligned to an accuracy of 5 microns. A single hit resolution of 10 micron was obtained at the smallest pitch for tracks of perpendicular incidence. Further results from initial LHC collisions will be added as available. The design and the main components of the detector system are introduced. The commissioning of the detector is reported and the talk will focus on the performance results from the first LHC tracks.
        Speaker: Chris Parkes (Department of Physics and Astronomy)
    • 12:20 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 40m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 14:00 15:40
      Large Detector Systems 2 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      Convener: Hans Jurgen Hilke (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
      • 14:00
        Techniques and Results for the Direct Detection of Dark Matter 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        A review of the current status of experiments on direct Dark Matter detection will be given. A talk will be focused on special technique developed for searching rear events of WIMP – atomic nucleus elastic scattering. In general, the technique of selection of such events is based on simultaneous measurements of at least two species of energy deposition: for example, phonon and ionisation signals in cryogenic bolometers, scintillation and ionisation signals in noble gas two-phase detectors. Other important aspects in these experiments are requirements of superior radio purity of elements of Dark Matter detectors and methods of suppression of radioactive background in experimental setups, especially of neutron background. These has grown nowadays to a new instrumentation direction, a so called low low-background technique. Among all types of Dark Matter detectors, cryogenic and noble gas detectors have reached the best sensitivities to WIMPs, and the obtained limits have nearly scratched a region of predictions of SUSY theory on a two-dimensional parameter plot of cross section versus WIMP mass. To investigate this region a new generation of ton-scale detectors is required. In these detectors a residual background of WIMP – atomic nucleus elastic scattering events will be reduced by several orders of magnitude and must reach a superior low level of ~ 1 event/kg/year.
        Speaker: Dr Dmitri Akimov (ITEP, Moscow)
      • 14:50
        ATLAS Silicon Tracker commissioning with cosmic ray and beam data 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        The ATLAS Pixel Detector is the innermost detector of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. It consists of silicon sensors equipped with approximately 80 M electronic channels and will allow to detect particle tracks and secondary vertices with very high precision. After connection of cooling and services and verification of their operation the ATLAS Pixel Detector is now in the final stage of its commissioning phase. Prior to the first beams expected in Autumn 2009, a full characterization of the detector was performed. Calibrations of optical connections, verification of the analog performance and special DAQ runs for noise studies were done. Combined operation with other subdetectors in ATLAS allowed to qualify the detector with physics data from cosmic muons. The talk will show all aspects of detector operation, including the monitoring and safety system, the DAQ system and calibration procedures. The summary of calibration tests on the whole detector as well as analysis of physics runs with data will be presented.
        Speaker: Mr Paolo Morettini (INFN)
      • 15:15
        The Silicon Drift Detector of the ALICE experiment 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        ALICE is a general-purpose heavy-ion experiment, aimed at studying nuclear matter under the extreme density and temperature conditions that will be attained in Pb--Pb collisions at the LHC. The Inner Tracking System (ITS) is the detector of the ALICE central barrel located closest to the beam axis. Its two intermediate layers (radii $\approx$ 15 and 24 cm) are made of silicon drift detectors (SDD). In this talk we will present the SDD status and the main results from the commissioning with cosmic rays in 2008 and 2009. We will show the layout of the detectors, the front-end electronics and the data acquisition. The status, the performance and the calibration strategy will also be discussed. The results obtained so far demonstrate that the detector is well performing and ready for the forthcoming proton-proton data taking.
        Speaker: Dr Mario Sitta (Univ. Piemonte Orientale, Fac. Sci. MFN-Unknown-Unknown)
    • 15:40 16:10
      Coffee Break 30m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 16:10 18:15
      Large Detector Systems 3 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      Convener: Hans Jurgen Hilke (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
      • 16:10
        Detector performance of the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) forms the two innermost layers of the ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS). It consists of two layer barrel of hybrid silicon pixel detectors at radii of 3.9 cm and 7.6 cm, respectively. The physics targets of the ALICE experiment requires that the material budget of the ITS is kept within about 1% X0. This has put some stringent constraints on the design and construction of the SPD. The material budget of the each pixel layer is 1.1%% X0, including connections and cooling. A special feature of the ALICE SPD is that it is capable of providing a prompt trigger signal, called FastOR, which can contribute to the experimental L0 trigger decision. The FastOR pixel trigger system allows to apply a set of algorithms for the trigger selection which are then sent to the Central Trigger Processor (CTP). The detector has been installed in the experiment in summer 2007. During the first injection tests in June 2008 the SPD was able to record the very first sign of life of the LHC by registering secondary particles from the TED beam dump upstream of the ALICE experiment. In the following months the SPD has participated in the ALICE cosmic campaign with aimed to test the integration with all experimental sub-systems and to acquire data for alignment. Since the LHC start-up in November 2009, the SPD has been recording the LHC activities and in particular the first proton-proton collisions in ALICE.
        Speaker: Costanza Cavicchioli
      • 16:35
        Operational Experience with the CMS Pixel Detectors 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        The Pixel Detectors of the CMS experiment were installed and commissioned in the Summer and fall of 2008, removed, repaired and reinstalled in the Spring of 2009 and recommissioned in the Summer of 2009 in preparation for beam. The performance of the pixel detector during the fall of 2009 with 450 GeV/c and 1.18 TeV/c circulating beams in the LHC will be discussed.
        Speaker: Will Johns (Vanderbilt University)
      • 17:00
        Calibration, alignment and tracking performance of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        We present results of the CMS Silicon Tracker commissioning and calibration procedures including full alignment in its final position based on several million reconstructed tracks, recorded during commissioning of the CMS experiment with cosmic rays in 2008 and 2009. Outlook for calibration and alignment with first collision data in 2009-2010 and expected tracking performance will be given. The complex system of the CMS all-silicon Tracker with 15148 silicon strip and 1440 silicon pixel modules requires sophisticated calibration and alignment procedures. The recorded data allow a careful study of Tracker performance and reconstruction strategies under various operation conditions. In order to achieve optimal track-parameter resolution, the position and orientation of its modules need to be determined with a precision of several micrometers. The ultimate precision has been achieved in a multi-step multi-algorithm procedure by combining data from the charge deposition in the modules induced by traversing muons and from survey measurements. The achieved resolution in all five track parameters is controlled with data-driven validation of the track parameter measurements near the interaction region, and tested against prediction with detailed detector simulation. Systematic effects are investigated.
        Speaker: Dr Martin Weber (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 17:25
        Longevity Studies in the CDF Silicon Detectors 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The silicon detectors at the CDF Experiment in Run II have been collecting data steadily in a hard radiation environment for the last 8 years. This has led to the presence of some aging effects, such as type-inversion of the substrate or increase of the intrinsic noise, that are carefully monitored in order to maintain the detector performance at the highest level and to predict the useful lifetime of the different sensors. In this presentation, a summary of the studies is given as well as the current conclusions and expectations for the future of the detectors.
        Speaker: Dr Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab)
      • 17:50
        CMS muon detector and trigger performances 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        During 2008 and 2009, large samples of cosmic muons were collected by the CMS Collaboration with both magnetic field on and off, with the goal of commissioning the experiment for extended operation. The performances of the CMS muon system have been studied in detail using these data. Detector and trigger results will be shown for the three independent muon detectors employed in the CMS muon spectrometer.
        Speaker: Dr Davide Piccolo (Laboratori Nazionali Frascati INFN (on leave of absence from INFN Napoli))
    • 18:15 19:00
      Vienna: Maps and Magic 45m HS 1

      HS 1

      A cultural journey through the last 1500 years of Viennese history. Not only will we see the architectural jewels and landmarks that make the city famous, we will also get a glimpse at oddities that make the city so special. Additionally, we will look at historical maps and photographs to see how Vienna has developed from a camp of the Roman legion to the flourishing metropolis it is today.
      Speaker: Dr Renee Gadsden
    • 19:00 21:00
      Welcome Cocktail Party 2h HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 09:00 10:40
      Gaseous Detectors 1 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 09:00
        Detector Concepts at the Linear Collider 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        An electron positron collider will be an essential tool to complement the large hadron collider in its quest to understand the physics of the Terascale. Experimentation at such a collider will be a challenge to the experimenter, and very different from experimentation at the large hadron collider. The most mature electron positron collider concept, the ILC, has recently validated two detector concepts as suitable and realistic for an experiment at this facility. Both concepts are multi-purpose experiments, which put a special emphasis on delivering precision results. While the radiation environment at the ILC benign compared to a hadron machine, the requirements on the detector both on terms of resolution and in terms of rate capability, are far from trivial. Over the last decade an intense development effort has been underway, to develop and proof detection technologies to be used at the ILC, and to develop fully integrated detector concepts. Depending on the final energy of the collider, significant further work will be needed until these techniques can be qualified as production ready. In this talk the state of the detector concepts will be reviewed. The major projects planned for the next few years to complete the concepts will be discussed.
        Speaker: Ties Behnke (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
      • 09:50
        A Large TPC Prototype for an ILC Detector 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        A Time Projection Chamber is foreseen as main tracker for the International Large Detector (ILD) which is proposed for the International Linear Collider. The ILD concept requires an unprecedented performance of the tracking system, in particular a momentum resolution of Delta(1/pt) ~ 5 10-5 /GeV/c). To achieve this goal, the Linear Collider TPC (LCTPC) groups aim to optimize the TPC readout technology. New readout systems under study use Micro Pattern Gas Detectors, namely GEMs and Micromegas detectors. Moreover, a CMOS pixel readout chip (TimePix) with one of these amplification systems, was proposed. To study these technologies on sizable readout surfaces, a large TPC prototype (LP) was built. The LP has an inner diameter of 720 mm, a length of 610 mm and allows to measure up to 125 space points per track. It became available in November 2008 and is now operated in a 1.25 Tesla magnet at the 6-GeV DESY electron test beam. Data runs started in 2009 with prototype GEM and Micromegas readout modules and first results look very promising. Also, an 8-chip TimePix module was tested. Recently the setup was completed with silicon tracking detectors outside the TPC. These provide reference points of test beam electrons to complement the resolutions studies. Besides being a test infrastructure, the LP was a test case for the construction of a larger, lightweight TPC. In this presentation, we report on the setup, the production of the LP and results of the test beam runs.
        Speaker: Mr Peter Schade (DESY)
      • 10:15
        Heavy-ion test of detectors with conventional & resistive MicroMegas used in TPC configuration 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Within the international FAIR project, the R3B collaboration (Reaction studies with Radioactive Relativistic beams) will be in charge of the physics program with secondary beams of energy between 200 & 1500 MeV per nucleon. Central to the R3B set-up will be a large-aperture superconducting magnet under construction at CEA-Saclay. A European collaboration has formed to work on the design of a large time-projection chamber (TPC) to be installed behind this magnet to cover the full phase-space of the charged fragments produced in the target, from protons to beam heavy ions. The goal of this detector is to provide particle identification from energy-loss measurements & tracking for each individual fragment, event by event.Within this work, we have performed tests of detector prototypes with the heavy-ions beams of GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) from 12C to 179Au & from 250 to 1000 MeV per nucleon. These prototypes were equipped with MicroMegas, with two amplification technologies, either conventional or resistive MicroMegas & two construction concepts, bulk-MicroMegas or micro-meshes screwed on the PCB. The resistive MicroMegas exhibit a major interesting feature for our application: a large transversal & in-time spread of the heavy-ion signals, making possible the linear amplification & collection of huge signals. During the presentation, we will report on our heavy-ion test results & the position resolutions already achieved & present the following steps of the study of the TPC.
        Speaker: Dr Jean-Eric Ducret (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, IRFU, F91191 Gif sur Yvette France)
    • 10:40 11:20
      Coffee Break 40m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 11:20 12:35
      Gaseous Detectors 2 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 11:20
        High Energy Resolution in High-Pressure Xe Gas TPCs 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Searches for rare events such as neutrinoless double beta decay require discrimination between backgrounds and desired events. In part this can be achieved by energy resolution, but the ability to record the event topology is extremely useful. Existing data indicate that high-pressure Xe gas can provide excellent energy resolution in addition to sufficient position resolution in a TPC to reconstruct the event topology. Existing data indicate a Fano factor of 0.15, so the relative energy resolution at 2.5 MeV, the Q-value of Xe, could be as low as 3x10^-3 FWHM, only a factor of 2 to 3 worse than a Ge diode. Exploiting this intrinsic resolution requires internal gain with very small fluctuations, which can be achieved by utilizing photoluminescence. This converts the ionization signal charge to light. Existing measurements have been at lower energies, so the resolution must be verified at 2.5 MeV. This requires a chamber of about 1 m size operating at a pressure of 20 bars, so as a first step to test energy scaling we are constructing a small chamber operating at the same pressure with an energy range up to 700 keV. The presentation will describe the chamber and discuss the techniques required to actually achieve the predicted energy resolution.
        Speaker: Helmuth Spieler (LBL)
      • 11:45
        The 10 bar Hydrogen Time Projection Chamber of the MuCap Experiment 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The MuCap Experiment measured the muon capture rate, mu- + p → n + neutrino. This measurement determines the induced pseudo-scalar form factor g_p. The experiment is located at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland. Physics data taking has finished, data analysis is ongoing. The Time Projection Chamber is located inside a pressure vessel and is operated with 10 bar hydrogen. The TPC has a sensitive volume of (300 x 150 x 120) mm3 and acts as an active muon stop detector. The sensitive volume is enclosed by the drift cathode and a MWPC. All cathodes and the anodes are made of wires, whereas anode and cathode wires of the MWPC are mounted perpendicular. The wires are soldered on glass frames whereas the soldering pads are made of titanium, nickel and gold. All materials where chosen to be low-outgasing and the complete setup was baked out under high vacuum up to temperatures of 110° C. An elaborate gas handling system was constructed for evacuating and filling the pressure vessel with ultra-pure protium. Samples with defined admixtures of impurity gases could be generated in order to study and calibrate their effects on the muon capture rate. The voltages applied to the wire planes are typically -29.5 kV (drift cathode), -5.5 kV (MWPC cathodes), while the anode wires are on ground potential (half gap 3.5 mm). This configuration generates a vertical drift field of 2.0 kV/cm which leads to a maximum drift time of 24 microsec in the TPC.
        Speaker: Dr Malte Hildebrandt (PSI)
      • 12:10
        The Commisioning and Performance of the Outer Tracker Detector for LHCb 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The LHCb experiment is designed to study $B$-decays at the LHC. It is crucial to accurately and efficiently detect the charged decay particles in the high-density particle environment of the LHC. For this, the Outer Tracker (OT) is being constructed, consisting of ~55,000 straw tubes, covering in total an area of 360 m2 of double layers. At the time of the conference, the detector will be fully equipped with readout electronics and commissioned using cosmics rays. The performance of the final detector has been checked with a beam test at DESY, Hamburg. The final read-out electronics, in terms of efficiency, position resolution, noise and cross talk has been validated and showed good performance according to the requirements. In addition, the detector and readout electronics quality has been scrutinized both at the time of production and at installation, yielding a negligible number of bad channels. Finally, results will be presented on the commissioning of the detector in situ with the use of cosmic rays.
        Speaker: Antonio Pellegrino (NIKHEF)
    • 12:35 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 25m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 14:00 15:40
      Gaseous Detectors 3 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 14:00
        Gaseous detectors 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Since their invention in 1908 by Hans Geiger, gaseous detectors have played a major role in radiation technology. The lightness of gas, with the small quantity of primary ionisation as consequence, can be compensated by gas amplification. During the last decades, Si has become the favorite sensor material for position sensitive detectors, mainly due to the high possible granularity, and the relation with the rapid developments in micro-electronics. By combining micro-electronic technology (i.e. pixel chips) with gas as sensor material, new position sensitive detectors are possible with new extremes in terms of radiation hardness and detector mass. In addition, 'digital' TPCs are possible, registering all individual primary electrons in four dimensions.
        Speaker: Harry Van Der Graaf (NIKHEF)
      • 14:50
        Study of avalanche fluctuations and energy resolution with an InGrid-TimePix detector 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The energy and spatial resolutions of a Micromegas detector is fundamentally limited by gain fluctuations, among other sources of degradation of these resolutions. Also the precise shape of the gas gain distribution determines the efficiency for single electron detection. These two reasons motivate our study of avalanche size fluctuations, using a new tool which is a combination of an integrated Micromegas (InGrid) onto a 65,000 pixel CMOS chip (TimePix). Electrons produced by a radioactive source are separated by diffusion in the gas. Therefore they can be counted and the fluctuation of their number can be measured. Doing this at various gas gains allows the shape of the gain fluctuations, assumed to follow a Polya parametrization, to be constrained. Also, the linearity of the Time-Over-Threshold measurement with deposited energy above a threshold of about 5000 electrons is used to obtain a direct measurement of the upper end of the gas gain fluctuation distribution, using a set of single incoming electrons separated from others by diffusion. As a by-product of the first measurement, the average energy per ionization is measured in several gas mixtures and the Fano fluctuation factor is directly determined. The latter information, together with measurements of the energy resolution on the Iron 55 Kalpha line, is used to constrain again the Polya parameter.
        Speaker: Paul Colas (CEA/Irfu)
      • 15:15
        Progress on large area GEMs 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Recent developments on large area Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) will be presented. In 2008, a triple GEM detector prototype with area of ~2000 cm2 was built. GEMs of such dimensions had not been made before and innovations to the existing technology had to be introduced in order to build this detector. A manufacturing process based on a single mask photolithographic technique allowed overcoming the cumbersome practice of alignment of two masks, which limited the achievable lateral size. The GEM holes obtained in this way have a typical conical shape and present a so called rim, a small insulating clearance in the substrate around the hole. Recent progresses allow a further refinement of the production method, giving greater control over the size of the rims and the dimensions of the holes. In this framework, simulation studies have been performed to investigate the effect of the hole shape on the behaviour of the GEM. Such studies can help understanding how to use the new enhancements to optimize the performance. Many potential applications for large area GEMs foresee large production volumes. Production issues have been studied and single mask GEMs turn out to be more suitable for large scale production than standard GEMs.
        Speaker: Marco Villa (CERN)
    • 15:40 16:30
      Coffee Break & Poster Session A 50m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 16:30 18:35
      Gaseous Detectors 4 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 16:30
        Status of the Cylindrical-GEM Project for the KLOE-2 Inner Tracker 25m
        The status of the R&D on the Cylindrical-GEM (CGEM) detector foreseen as Inner Tracker for KLOE-2, the upgrade of the KLOE experiment at the DAFNE phi-factory, will be presented. The R&D includes several activities: i) the construction and complete characterization of the full-size CGEM prototype, equipped with 650 micrometer pitch 1-D longitudinal strips; ii) the study of the 2-D readout with XV patterned strips and operation in magnetic field (up to 1.5T), performed with small planar prototypes in a dedicated test at the H4-SPS beam facility; iii) the characterization of the single-mask GEM technology for the realization of large-area GEM foils. In addition, a finite element simulation of the mechanics has been carried out, for the design of the final detector, together with specific load tests of the materials and structure used for the construction of the prototype.
        Speaker: Dr Erika De Lucia (LNF-INFN)
      • 16:55
        Advances in GEM-based cryogenic avalanche detectors 25m
        Cryogenic avalanche detectors combine dense noble gas media at cryogenic temperatures with electron avalanche multipliers, namely with Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) or thick GEMs (THGEMs). Such detectors are relevant in the field of rare-event experiments, in particular in those of coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering, dark matter search and solar neutrino detection, and in the medical imaging field such as Positron Emission Tomography. We summarize the recent progress made in cryogenic two-phase avalanche detectors, including those operated in Ar and Xe, with THGEM charge readout and with Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) optical readout.
        Speaker: Prof. Alexei Buzulutskov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia)
      • 17:20
        Triple-GEM detectors for electron, proton and neutron beam diagnostics 25m
        Different detectors based on triple GEM technology realized in Frascati during the last years, will be presented.They have been used for the luminosity measurements at Dafne Phi Factory, for the beam position at BTF (Frascati) and at CERN H8 area, and for the high intensity neutron fluxes measurements at FNG and Frascati Tokamak Upgrade.We report on the design, construction and test of a GEM compact time projection chamber (TPC), for beam monitoring.A description of the detector construction and assembly, together with the results achieved during test at BTF and CERN, are here reported.The second monitor is a novel neutron detector developed and tested in the framework of a collaboration between LNF-INFN and ENEA-Frascati.The aim is to obtain a versatile device that can be employed for the simultaneous measurement of the neutron flux in various energy bands from 1 to 20 MeV. The main drive for this development is the need of neutron detectors with low sensitivity to gamma rays and high count rate capability for operation in the neutron flux environment (~10^8 Hz/cm2) expected in future controlled thermonuclear fusion reactors. In these devices the fusion power is assessed through the measurement of the 2.5 MeV and 14 MeV neutrons emitted by the plasma.Experimental tests at the Frascati Neutron Generator of two detector prototype units, respectively optimized for 2.5 MeV and 14 MeV neutrons, are presented.
        Speaker: Dr Paolo Valente (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Roma 1)
      • 17:45
        A UV sensitive integrated Micromegas with Timepix readout 25m
        We present an imaging system consisting of a Timepix charge sensitive readout with an integrated Micromegas detector. The Al grid is supported by SU-8 pillars, this structure is post-processed directly onto the Timepix chip. The detector is made UV sensitive by evaporating a 200 nm thick reflective CsI photocathode onto the Al grid. With this technology we can create a monolithic imaging system capable of detecting single photons with a very high resolution. After 3 weeks of continuous measurements the devices did not show degradation. Best results were obtained in He/isobutane (80/20). Extraction efficiency of photoelectrons from CsI into He/isobutane was measured; it reaches 50 %. Pulse height spectra were recorded from the grid under UV illumination. The distribution follows P(Q) ∝ exp(−Q/G). The gain curve is extracted from exponential fits to the UV pulse response; maximum gain was 6.2·10^4 at 575 V (72 kV/cm). Many images were recorded using various shadow-masks. The sharp transitions from dark to light regions indicate subpixel resolution (pixel size is 55 μm). We conclude that combining Timepix with integrated Micromegas and CsI is successful. Many different aspects are currently under investigation such as the spatial resolution and the spectroscopic performance of this detector. This is possible by using the charge sensitive TOT readout mode.
        Speaker: Mr Joost Melai (MESA+ institute, University of Twente)
    • 19:30 22:00
      Soiree Musicale 2h 30m Festive Hall (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

      Festive Hall

      Austrian Academy of Sciences

    • 09:00 10:40
      Semiconductor Detectors 1 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 09:00
        Semiconductor detectors 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The contribution briefly describes the functionality of high position resolution semiconductor detectors and gives an overview of the historical evolution of semiconductor sensors in the field of High Energy Physics. After depicting the technology of today leading to the most amazing results at the recent start of the LHC, the talk describes latest R&D advances in radiation hardness technologies to ensure the possibility to establish detectors for the future SLHC. Consequently semiconductor sensor candidates for a future linear collider are also briefly introduced.
        Speaker: Frank Hartmann (Inst. fuer Experimentelle Kernphys.-Universitaet Karlsruhe-Unkno)
      • 09:50
        The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle-II Experiment 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        After ten years of successful operation, the Belle experiment at KEK (Tsukuba, Japan) will be completed by the end of 2009. Thereafter, a major upgrade of the KEK-B machine is foreseen until 2013, aiming at a final luminosity of 8 x 10^35 / (cm^2 s), which is about 40 times higher than the present peak value. Consequently, also the Belle experiment needs to be changed and the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) in particular will be completely replaced as it already operates close to its limits in the present system. The future SVD will consist of four layers of double-sided silicon strip detectors like the present one, but at higher radii, because it will be complemented by a two-layer Pixel Detector as the innermost sensing device. The future SVD will be entirely composed of silicon sensors made from 6" wafers read out by APV25 front-end chips that were originally made for the CMS experiment at the LHC. Several years of R&D effort led to innovations such as the Origami chip-on-sensor concept and readout electronics with hit-time finding which were successfully demonstrated on prototypes. These features will be included in the final system which is presently being designed. This paper will give an overview of the future SVD and present results from prototype tests ranging from detector modules to back-end electronics.
        Speaker: Dr Markus Friedl (Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY))
      • 10:15
        The Belle-II Pixel Vertex Tracker at the SuperKEKB Flavor Factory 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The planned luminosity upgrade of the KEKB flavor factory requires extensive detector upgrades to cope with the design luminosity of 8 x 10^35 / cm^2s. Of critical importance here is a new silicon pixel vertex tracker, which will significantly improve the decay vertex resolution, crucial for time dependent CP violation measurements. This new detector will consist of two layers of DEPFET pixel sensors close to the interaction point. These sensors combine particle detection and amplification of the signal by embedding a field effect transistor into fully depleted silicon, providing very high signal to noise ratios and excellent spatial resolution with 50 µm thick silicon. This technology satisfies the requirements of extremely low material in the active region and high radiation tolerance at Belle-II. The requirement for a very low material budget in the detector acceptance, the power dissipation due to continuous high-rate readout and spatial constraints impose strict requirements on the mechanical support structures and on the detector cooling. In the talk we will discuss the overall concept of the pixel vertex tracker, its expected performance and the mechanical integration.
        Speaker: Carlos Marinas Pardo (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)-Universit)
    • 10:40 11:30
      Coffee Break & Poster Session B 50m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 11:30 12:45
      Semiconductor Detectors 2 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 11:30
        Diamond Pixel Modules 25m
        (on behalf of the RD42 collaboration) With the first LHC run expected in 2009, and the first LHC upgrades expected around 2014, ATLAS and CMS are planning for detector upgrades for their innermost layers requiring radiation hard technologies. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond has been used extensively in beam conditions monitors as the innermost detectors in the highest radiation areas of BaBar, Belle, CDF and now all LHC experiments. Diamonds are considered as an alternate sensor for use very close to the interaction region of the super LHC where the most extreme radiation conditions will exist. Recently the RD42 collaboration constructed, irradiated and tested polycrystalline and single-crystal chemical vapor deposition diamond sensors to the highest fluences available. We present beam test results of chemical vapor deposition diamond up to fluences of 1.8 x E16 protons/cm2 showing that both polycrystalline and single-crystal chemical vapor deposition diamonds follow a single damage curve. As CVD diamonds are considered among possible sensor materials for the next pixel upgrade in ATLAS, the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer to be installed in 2014, we will also summarize the progress in the area of diamond pixel detectors. In particular we will describe results and next plans to build and characterize diamond pixel modules, test their radiation hardness, explore the cooling advantages of diamond and demonstrate industrial viability of bump-bonding of diamond pixel modules.
        Speaker: Dr Daniel Dobos (CERN)
      • 11:55
        Silicon Detectors for the sLHC 25m
        The luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to the sLHC will increase the radiation dose seen by the experiments by roughly an order of magnitude compared to the LHC. The elevated radiation levels will require the LHC experiments to upgrade their tracking systems with extremely radiation hard silicon detectors, capable of withstanding up to a 1-MeV neutron-equivalent fluence of 10^16 per square cm for the innermost tracking layers. Recent results on radiation hardening technologies developed within the RD50 Collaboration for sLHC use will be reported. Silicon detectors have been designed and produced on n- and p-type wafers made by Float-Zone, epitaxial and Czochralski technologies. Their charge collection efficiency after proton, neutron and mixed irradiation to sLHC fluences has been extensively studied. Novel detector concepts, in particular several variants of 3D detectors, have been designed, produced and tested as well. By design, 3D detectors are expected to be more radiation hard than comparable planar designs due to the low depletion voltage and short charge collection distance. Radiation-induced microscopic defects have been investigated and could be partly linked to the performance degradation of irradiated detectors. The radiation hardness of different silicon detector materials and technologies will be compared, resulting in recommendations for tracking detector systems at sLHC experiments.
        Speaker: Prof. Sally Seidel (Univ. of New Mexico)
      • 12:20
        Charge collection efficiencies of 3D detectors irradiated at SLHC fluences and testbeam operation results 25m
        Three-dimensional (3D) photodiode detectors offer advantages over standard planar detectors in a range of applications. These include radiation hardness properties for charged particle tracking in SLHC operation, and their advantages for X-ray detection for synchrotrons and medical imaging due to their low charge sharing between adjacent pixels which improves spatial and spectral resolution. 3D detectors with the novel double-sided geometry have been designed by the University of Glasgow and CNM, and fabricated at CNM clean room facilities. Results from short-strip devices and from 55x55µm pixel devices are presented. The strip detectors have been irradiated to a fluence of 2 x 1016 cm−2 1 MeV equivalent neutrons. Measurements have used analogue electronics running at LHC speeds. The 3D detector is shown to have superior charge collection even at the highest fluences, with the 3D detector operating at relatively modest voltages and the planar devices operating at 1000V. The experimental results are compared to the simulation of charge transport in the devices. Unirradiated pixel devices have been tested in a monochromatic X-ray beam at the Diamond synchrotron and the CERN SPS. Substantially lower charge sharing than standard planar Medipix2 and TimePix sensors is demonstrated. Maps of the charge collection uniformity and loss in the holes in a single pixel of the device have been produced, and the single hit resolution for charge particles obtained.
        Speaker: Dr Giulio Pellegrini (Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM), Barcelona)
    • 12:45 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 15m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 14:00 15:40
      Semiconductor Detectors 3 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 14:00
        Recent Test Beam Results of Radiation Hard 3D Silicon Pixel Sensors 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        3D silicon sensors aimed for the ATLAS detector upgrade have been tested with a high energy pion beam from the CERN SPS in 2009. Two different beam telescopes with resolutions ranging between 2-5µm were used as external reference. Two types of sensors were tested: full-3D assemblies fabricated in Stanford and SINTEF Oslo, where the electrodes penetrate the entire silicon wafer thickness, and modified-3D assemblies fabricated at FBK-IRST with partially overlapping electrodes. In both cases three read-out electrodes are ganged together to form pixels of dimension 50×400µm. Data on the pulse height distribution, charge collection efficiency and charge sharing were collected for various particle incident angles and with and without a 1.4T magnetic field. Data from a planar sensor of the type presently used in the ATLAS detector were obtained at the same time to provide comparison.
        Speaker: Per Hansson (SLAC)
      • 14:25
        The first beam test of a monolithic particle pixel detector in high-voltage CMOS technology 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The here presented detector prototype is implemented in 350 nm high-voltage CMOS technology. The detector utilizes high-voltage n-well/p-substrate diodes as pixel sensors and relies on charge drift in their depletion layers as the main signal generating mechanism. The MIP signals measured with this detector are significantly higher than those usually measured with standard MAPS and radiation tolerance is increased. The tested detector is a system of a chip that contains a 128 x 128 matrix with 21 x 21 micrometers large pixels arranged as bricks, source-follower based- rolling shutter readout and in-chip ADCs that digitize signal amplitudes with 8-bit precision. The chip has only digital outputs, which allows fast and simple readout. The monolithic detector uses some novel concepts such as implementation of readout electronics inside the signal collecting electrode. We will present for the first time the test beam results obtained with such a detector. The detector has been tested using EUDET infrastructure. The measured MIP cluster signal is typically 2200 electrons, spatial resolution approximately 7 micrometers (RMS), signal-to-noise ratio of a single pixel is 13 and detection efficiency nearly 90%. Several detector chips have been irradiated up to 1e14 neq, they are still functional and the experimental results obtained with these chips will be presented as well.
        Speaker: Dr Ivan Peric (University of Heidelberg)
      • 14:50
        Performence of CMS ECAL with first LHC data 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        In the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC, the high resolution Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL), consisting of 75848 lead tungstate crystals and a silicon/lead preshower, will play a crucial role in the physics program. In preparation for the data taking, a detailed procedure was followed to commission the ECAL readout and trigger, and to pre-calibrate, with test beam and cosmic ray data, each channel of the calorimeter to a precision of 2% or less in the central region. The first LHC collisions will be used to complete the detector commissioning and to provide the first in-situ calibration. In this talk the CMS ECAL status and performance with the first collisions delivered from LHC will be reviewed.
        Speaker: Giovanni Franzoni (University of Minnesota)
      • 15:15
        Towards a 10us, thin high resolution pixelated CMOS sensor system for future vertex detectors 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The physics goals of many present and future high energy experiments require a precise determination of decay vertices, imposing severe constraints to vertex detectors (readout speed, granularity, material budget, ...). The IPHC-IRFU collaboration developed a sensor architecture to comply with these requirements. The first full scale CMOS sensor was realized and equips the reference planes of the EUDET beam telescope. Its architecture is being adapted to the needs of the STAR (RHIC) and CBM (FAIR) experiments. It is a promising candidate for the ILC experiments and the ALICE detector upgrade (LHC). A substantial improvement to the performances of CMOS sensors, especially in terms of radiation hardness, should come from a new fabrication technology with depleted sensitive volume. A prototype sensor was fabricated to explore the benefits of the technology. The talk will present the first test results of these innovative sensors and discuss their evolution towards future vertex detectors. Finally the issue of system integration will be addressed. In 2009 the PLUME collaboration was established to investigate the feasibility and performances of a light double sided ladder equipped with CMOS sensors, aimed for the ILC vertex detector but also interesting for the CBM application. The talk will show the present achievements of the project and its next milestones, highlighting the perspective of a 10us read-out time by combining different pixel geometries on either face of a ladder.
        Speaker: Rita De Masi (IPHC-Strasbourg)
    • 15:40 16:30
      Coffee Break & Poster Session A 50m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 16:30 18:35
      Semiconductor Detectors 4 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 16:30
        A Program to Determine the Feasibility of MCz silicon as a Detector Material for Super-LHC Tracker Volumes 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        With an expected ten-fold increase in luminosity, the radiation environment in S-LHC tracking volumes will be considerably harsher for silicon-based detectors. Since 2007, a collaboration of CMS institutes has been exploring the use of Magnetic Czochralski (MCz) silicon as a detector element for the strip tracker layers of planned S-LHC detectors. Both n-type and p-type MCz sensors have been characterized, irradiated with proton and neutron sources, assembled into modules, and tested in the CERN H2 beam line. There have been three beam studies to date and preliminary results suggest that both n-type and p-type MCz silicon are sufficiently radiation hard for the R>25 cm regions of S-LHC tracking volumes. However, the Silicon Beam Telescope (SiBT) group also seeks to understand the observed charge collection efficiency in the context of trapping models and in that regard has worked closely with the RD39 and RD50 collaborations. The SiBT group has also explored application of a current injection operating mode for MCz sensors. CID detectors would require a -40 deg. C or colder operating temperature, but offer a potential factor of two improvement (for highly irradiated detectors) in charge collection efficiency over the standard reverse bias operating mode.
        Speaker: Dr Leonard Spiegel (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
      • 16:55
        DC-DC Conversion Powering Schemes for the CMS Tracker at Super-LHC 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        With conventional powering the increasing power requirements of the CMS tracker at Super-LHC cannot be met using the existing power supplies and/or cable plant. Therefore a novel powering scheme based on parallel powering with DC-DC conversion is foreseen for the CMS pixel detector at SLHC phase-1, and for the CMS outer tracker at SLHC phase-2. We will present electrical studies (efficiency, EMC) and system test measurements with strip modules, using DC-DC buck converters with either custom radiation-hard converter ASICs or with commercial ASICs. Low-mass air-core inductors have been developed, and various filters methods have been compared. The presentation will include studies of the noise coupling mechanism and the detector susceptibility. Finally the implementation of DC-DC converters into the future pixel detector and outer tracker will be discussed.
        Speaker: Prof. Lutz Feld (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 17:20
        Development of SOI Pixel Detectors 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        We have been developing new monolithic radiation image detectors using a Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology. The SOI wafer has both a thin low-resistivity Si and a thick, high-resistivity Si, which are bonded by an oxide layer. Radiation sensors with p-n junctions are created in the high-resistivity Si, and the output signals are directly connected to CMOS circuits fabricated in the thin Si layer. Since there is no mechanical bump bonding in the SOI pixel, it is possible to develop high-resolution, low-material, and intelligent pixel detectors. Two types of prototype pixel detectors, one integration-type and the other counting-type, are being developed and tested. We confirmed good sensitivity for light, charged particles and X-rays for these detectors. We have also developing vertical (3D) integration technique which bonds two SOI wafers by u-bump bonding of 5 um pitch. First test chips are available before the end of 2009. Our SOI pixel process is open for academic sector, and we are operating regular Multi Project Wafer (MPW) runs. We have several MPW users including foreign laboratories and universities.
        Speaker: Yasuo Arai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
      • 17:45
        Charge multiplication in radiation-damaged epitaxial silicon detectors 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Charge multiplication (CM) effects emerging after heavy irradiation in thin silicon diodes were studied as an option to overcome charge carrier trapping, which is the limiting factor for silicon pixel detectors at SLHC fluences in the order of 10^{16} cm^{-2}. Using the Transient Current Technique (TCT) with radiation of different penetration (670, 830, 1060 nm laser light and 5.8 MeV alpha-particles with different absorbers), charge collection was measured in highly proton-irradiated 75, 100 and 150 µm n-type epitaxial diodes. The charge collection efficiency (CCE) of shallowly-penetrating radiation was found to be higher than the one with deeper penetration. Thus, the CM region could be localised near the front surface. The collected charge was measured to be linear to the deposited one, which indicates proportional mode as opposed to Geiger mode. The normalised width of the charge spectrum measured with laser light was observed to be almost independent of CM, which shows that statistical fluctuations in the CM process are not dominant. By performing an x-y-scan over the entire illumination window of the diode with a 20 µm laser spot, the spatial homogeneity of collected charge in the CM regime was found to be very good with deviations of maximal 1%. CM turned out to be stable in time over several days with micro discharges as the limiting factor at high voltages.
        Speaker: Jörn Lange (University of Hamburg)
      • 18:10
        A system for characterisation of DEPFET silicon pixel matrices and test beam results. 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The DEPFET pixel detector offers first stage in-pixel amplification by incorporating a field effect transistor in the high resistivity silicon substrate. In this concept, a very small input capacitance can be realized thus allowing for low noise measurements. This makes DEPFET sensors a favorable technology for tracking in particle physics. Therefore a system with a DEPFET pixel matrix was developed to test DEPFET performance for an application as a vertex detector for the Belle II experiment. The system features a current based, row wise readout of a DEPFET pixel matrix with a designated readout chip, steering chips for matrix control, a FPGA based data acquisition board, and a dedicated software package. The system was successfully operated in both test beam and lab environment. In 2009 new DEPFET matrices have been characterized in a 120 GeV pion-beam at the CERN SPS. The talk will cover the current status of the DEPFET system, test beam results and progress in the development of the new system is presented.
        Speaker: Dr Sergey Furletov (Bonn, Germany; On behalf of the DEPFET Collaboration)
    • 09:00 10:40
      Particle ID 1 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 09:00
        Particle ID 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The steady progress made over the past years in the design of innovative particle identification detectors has enabled to achieve relevant physics results in various experiments. However, new ideas and new challenging developments are needed for complying with the unprecedented particle identification performance required by the planned experiments at SuperB factories and at the forthcoming FAIR facility for understanding the underlying physics. This paper will provide representative examples of advances in the major charged particle identification techniques and the most promising future directions.
        Speakers: Prof. Eugenio Nappi (INFN, Bari, Italy), Eugenio Nappi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
      • 09:50
        The MPD Detector for the NICA heavy-ion collider at JINR 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The new heavy-ion program launched recently at JINR (Dubna) is devoted to the search for signals of deconfinement phase transition, chiral symmetry restoration and the QCD critical endpoint. The future high luminosity accelerator facility NICA will supply ion species ranging from proton to Au ions in the region of the collider energy up to $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=11 GeV. In order to achieve the NICA full scientific potential the experiment is required to have almost 4$\pi$ acceptance, excellent tracking and identification capability in high multiplicity environment. The proposed MPD detector design includes a Time-Projection Chamber inside a superconducting solenoid as a main tracking device. An silicon Inner Tracker consisting of the microstrip detectors is designed to enhance vertex reconstruction capability. Particle identification is achieved using a Time-of-Flight detector based on the Resistive Plate Chamber technology. Most electrons and photons will be identified in a barrel Shashlyk-type electromagnetic calorimeter. A sampling Zero Degree Calorimeter will be used for event characterization. In this talk, after a survey of the key technical features of the NICA project, a conceptual design of the MPD apparatus will be presented. In the following, we report on recent results of the MPD R$\&$D program and progress in the development of the reconstruction algorithms. Finally, an outlook of the status of the NICA complex and the MPD detector construction plan will be given.
        Speaker: Vadim Kolesnikov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
      • 10:15
        Commissioning test of a neutron beam monitor for the high-intensity total diffractometer at J-PARC 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        MLF at J-PARC is one of the world’s highest intensity pulsed neutron sources. When J-PARC becomes fully operational, remarkable achievements in the fields of material structure science and life science are expected. The detectors used in the facility must be able to achieve a high count rate. Since a GEM is a gaseous detector with a high count rate capability, the GEM-based detector is highly suitable for the high-intensity total diffractometer at J-PARC (NOVA). We are developing the GEM-based detector as a neutron beam monitor for the NOVA. In order to analyze the basic characteristics of the GEM-based detector, a neutron irradiation test was carried out at the NOVA beam line in MLF. The wavelength-spectrum distribution obtained from the test is consistent with the calculations, and the beam profiles agree with the simple Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Therefore we found that as a neutron beam monitor, the GEM-based detector has good two-dimensional imaging ability.
        Speaker: Dr Hidetoshi Ohshita (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
    • 10:40 11:30
      Coffee Break & Poster Session B 50m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 11:30 12:45
      Particle ID 2 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 11:30
        Development of DIRC counters for the PANDA Experiment at FAIR 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The PANDA experiment at the planned FAIR facility at GSI, Darmstadt aims at measuring hadronic final states with unprecedented precision and luminosity. Superior particle identification of charged and neutral particles is mandatory to fulfil PANDA's physics aims. DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) counters are foreseen for charged particle identification. A barrel DIRC will cover the central region while a disc DIRC will provide particle identification in the forward region. Three DIRC concepts differing in the radiator geometry and method for dispersion correction are studied. The barrel DIRC uses a novel imaging system and aims at exploiting a 3D reconstruction to mitigate dispersion effects. Two concepts are investigated for the forward disc DIRC. One concept employs passive dispersion correction and focussing light guides for image reconstruction. Alternatively, time-of-propagation measurements and a wave-length dependent photon detection system are investigated. The three designs are presented in detail. Results are shown on the common developments in terms of radiator material and quality, photon detection and read-out technology. The performance of each technology in the first test beams is discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Björn Seitz (University of Glasgow)
      • 11:55
        The NA62 RICH detector 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The CERN NA62 experiment aims to measure the ultra-rare (BR ~ 10E-10) charged kaon decay K+-->pi+ nu nubar with a 10% accuracy. The experiment will use part of the existing NA48 infrastructure, but new detectors will be built in order to match the requirements for the novel measurement. The main background, the decay K+-->mu+ nu (BR ~ 63%), must be suppressed by a rejection factor of 4x10E-13. This can be accomplished using a combination of kinematical cuts (8x10E-6 ), the different power of penetration through matter of pions and muons (10E-5) and a further 5x10E-3 suppression factor can be provided by a RICH detector, in a momentum range between 15 and 35 GeV/c. To provide such a very demanding task a RICH detector filled with Neon at atmospheric pressure, 18 m long and equipped with 2000 photomultipliers has been proposed. The RICH detector must also provide the pion crossing time with a resolution of the order of 100 ps to minimize wrong matching with the mother particle measured by an upstream detector. The details of the RICH project will be described. A RICH prototype of the same length of the final detector, equipped with 96 PM’s has been built and tested on a pion beam at CERN in the 2007 fall: the results of this test beam as well as results from a second test performed in 2009 using a larger number of PM’s and several beams will be presented. The final RICH detector is supposed to be completed in time for the NA62 commissioning run foreseen in 2011.
        Speaker: Prof. Giuseppina Anzivino (University of Perugia and INFN)
      • 12:20
        Commissioning and performance of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker with Cosmic Rays and first high energy collision at LHC 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is the outermost of the three sub-systems of the ATLAS Inner Detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. It consists of close to 300000 thin- wall drift tubes (straws) providing on average 30 two-dimensional space points with 0.13 mm resolution for charged particle tracks with |η| < 2 and pT > 0.5 GeV. Along with continuous tracking, it provides particle identification capability through the detection of transition radiation X-ray photons generated by high velocity particles in the many polymer fibers or films that fill the spaces between the straws. The front-end electronics implements two thresholds to discriminate the signals: a low threshold (<300 eV) for registering the passage of minimum ionizing particles, and a high threshold (>6 keV) to flag the absorption of transition radiation X-rays. In this talk, a review of the commissioning and first operational experience of the TRT detector will be presented. Emphasis will be given to initial performance studies based on the reconstruction and analysis of several million cosmic ray tracks collected in the ATLAS cavern. In addition, the TRT response to LHC high energy proton-proton collisions will be presented here for the first time.
        Speaker: Mr Peter Wagner (Department of Physics and Astronomy - University of Pennsylvania)
    • 12:45 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 15m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 14:00 15:40
      Particle ID 3 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 14:00
        Simulation of ionisation-based tracking 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Precision tracking of charged particles in high-energy physics experiments often relies on ionisation. There are several reasons for that: * ionisation electrons are closely-spaced, even in light media such as gases; * ionisation electrons are produced in the vicinity of the path of the charged particle; * low-energy ionisation electrons are comparatively easy to measure; * the energy losses associated with ionisation are small compared with the energy of high-energy physics particles. Despite its intrinsic qualities, taking best advantage of ionisation as a tracking principle remains a challenge. Traditionally, this is less of an issue for semi-conductor tracking: even when not exploited to the limits, the spatial resolution is usually adequate. With gas as active medium, current detectors achieve a resolution below 50 μm, but this is the fruit of numerous prototype tests and careful optimisation. Early gas-based detectors were designed without help of computers, but simulation has played a role since the 1970s. Many of the techniques are significantly older. For instance, from approximately 1972, George Erskine used analytic methods to solve the electrostatic fields in a range of wire chamber configurations. The finite element method, since the 1990s widely used for small-scale devices, had already been pioneered in engineering in 1956. Simulation of ionisation energy losses goes back to 1960s and reached its present state around the year 2000 with models that accurately describe the distance between ionisation electrons and the track, relaxation of excited states and absorption of high energy electrons and photons. Also electron transport in gases has a long history. A.V. Phelps and colleagues solved the Boltzmann equation numerically already in 1962. Both the technique and the cross section data that are used as input have been refined ever since. The present generation of gas-based detectors shows a marked trend towards miniaturisation. In particular, the electron mean free path in such devices is not much smaller than the smallest structural elements and the traditional decoupling of electrostatics and transport no longer applies. The miniaturisation also reduces the amount of active material and hence the number of ionisations available for tracking. This needs to be compensated by improving the single-electron efficiency, which calls for a deeper understanding of avalanche processes, and in particular of avalanche statistics, excitation-ionisation energy transfer processes and space charge. Along the same lines, medical imaging and dark matter detectors are using photons along with ionisation electrons to achieve higher efficiency and resolution. Interestingly, many of the methods that have been developed, and are being developed, are applicable to semi-conductor devices. This not only holds for the simulation of ionisation patterns, but also for new field calculation techniques in which dynamic space charge is more easily incorporated.
        Speaker: Dr Rob Veenhof (CERN)
      • 14:50
        Study of 144-channel Hybrid Avalanche Photo-Detector for Belle II RICH Counter 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        For the Belle II detector, we have been conducting R&D on a proximity focusing ring imaging Cherenkov counter using a silica aerogel as a radiator. For the photodetector, which is one of the most critical components, we have developed a 144-channel Hybrid Avalanche Photo-Detector with Hamamatsu Photonics. This device has 4 chips of avalanche photo-diodes, each being pixelated into 6x6 pads. At the test bench, by flushing a blue LED, the pulse height distributions for a single and/or multiple photons were measured and good separation of photoelectron peaks of S/N=4-20 was obtained and its total gain was measured to be over 40000. The photo cathode response was also cheeked and more than 30% of QE was found with excellent uniformity. We have also confirmed the performance in strong magnetic field up to 1.5 Tesla. After checking basic features of the HAPD, we carried out a beam test at KEK, where 2.0 GeV/c electron beam was used. In the test, 6 HAPDs were arranged in a 2x3 configuration and an aerogel tile was used as Cherenkov radiator. For the readout electronics, ASIC chips which amplify and digitize the HAPD signal were connected at the backend of the photon detector system. With this system, we successfully observed a clear Cherenkov ring image. A detailed analysis of the beam test showed Cherenkov angle resolution of ~13 mrad and with 9 detected photoelectrons. This report will give detailed results from the beam tests including several basic measurements at the bench.
        Speaker: Mr Susumu Shiizuka (Nagoya University)
      • 15:15
        The development of a high-resolution scintillating fiber tracker with silicon photomultiplier array readout 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        We present test results from a novel modular scintillating fiber tracker using silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays for readout. The tracker modules are made up from 250µm thin scintillating fibers that are arranged in five tightly packed layers on top and on bottom of a light carbon fiber / Rohacell foam support structure. Novel, custom made SiPM arrays from Hamamatsu with a channel pitch of 250µm and a photon detection efficiency of approximately 50% are used for readout. From a full GEANT4 simulation the expected position resolution is 0.05 mm at a tracking efficiency of 99%. Several 860mm long and 32mm to 64mm wide tracker modules were tested at the PS facilities at CERN in summer 2008 and autumn 2009 achieving high light yields of more than 15 photons for a minimal ionizing particle. We will show details on the characterization of the SiPM arrays and the quality control of scintillating fibers, the construction of the fiber modules and the results in terms of tracking efficiency, noise and position resolution.
        Speaker: Gregorio Roper Yearwood (RWTH Aachen University)
    • 15:40 16:10
      Coffee Break 30m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 16:10 18:15
      Particle ID 4 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 16:10
        A G-APD based camera for Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACT) for Gamma-ray astronomy are presently using photomultiplier tubes as photo sensors. An interesting alternative are so-called Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (G-APD). They promise an improvement in sensitivity and, important for this application, in ease of construction (size and weight), operation (power consumption) and ruggedness. They have proven many of their features in the laboratory, but a qualified assessment of their performance in an IACT camera is best undertaken with a prototype. The design and commissioning of a 36-pixel G-APD camera prototype is presented. Results obtained using a small zenith-looking Cherenkov telescope are shown. Sub-nanosecond time resolution has been achieved with the Domino Ring Sampling chip (DRS2) as primary data acquisition element. Using a majority-coincidence trigger, cosmic-ray induced air showers with clear time and intensity signatures have been recorded. Some of the points investigated with this setup are the control of the G-APDs large gain variation with temperature, and the behaviour under intense and changing night-sky background conditions. The design of a full-scale 1440 pixel camera, planned to be installed on a 4 m diameter telescope by fall 2010 next to the MAGIC telescopes on La Palma, is also covered. After detailed studies on this novel technology, the camera will be used for routine and long-term monitoring of strong, variable gamma-ray sources (DWARF project).
        Speaker: Oliver Grimm (Institut fuer Teilchenphysik-Eidgenossische Tech. Hochschule Zue)
      • 16:35
        Study of timing performance of Silicon Photomultiplier and application for a Cherenkov detector 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        A novel and still rapidly evolving device, Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) is opening a new possibility of particle detection in the field of nuclear/particle physics, material science and medicine. We have been working on an evaluation of basic characteristics of Hamamatsu MPPCs, Photonique SSPMs, Zecotek MAPDs, as well as an application for a scintillating fiber detector and Cherenkov detector [1-2]. A beam profile monitor composed by two layers of 16 1x1 mm2 scintillating fibers in x-y configuration was successfully operated at the FOPI at GSI, Darmstadt in search for a kaonic nuclear state [3]. One of our recent focuses is an application for a Cherenkov detector as cheap, compact timing counter in a magnetic field. We would like to report on a characteristics study of SiPMs in terms of timing performance and a result of the test beam time of a prototype detector which was performed at the Beam Test Facility at LNF/INFN in Frascati. References: [1] G.S.M. Ahmed, J. Marton, K. Suzuki, and P. Bühler, Journal of instrumentation, September 9, 2009. [2] K. Suzuki, P. Bühler, S. Fossati, J. Marton, M. Schafhauser, J. Zmeskal, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 610 (2009) 75. [3] K. Suzuki et al., Nucl. Phys. A 827 (2009) 312c
        Speaker: Mr Gamal Ahmed (Stefan Meyer Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Boltzmanngasse 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria., Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department, 11884, Cairo, Egypt.)
      • 17:00
        The First measurements on SiPMs with Bulk Integrated Quench Resistors 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        High ohmic poly-silicon which is used as quench resistor in conventional Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) turns out to be an obstacle for light and is one of the most cost and yield driving technological issues. SiPM is becoming very good candidate for the replacement of conventional photomultiplier tubes and thus the development of these devices is very striking. We have proposed a new detector concept which has the quench resistor integrated into the silicon bulk avoiding polysilicon resistors. Extensive simulation results showed the feasibility of the concept. The quenching mechanism has been demonstrated in a proof of principle production performed in house. The first prototypes have been fabricated (second production run) and allowed testing of the device performance. The results from the first characterization measurements will be presented. Based on these results the inherent advantages and drawbacks compared to standard SiPMs will be discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Jelena Ninkovic (Max PlanckInstitute for Physics)
      • 17:25
        Tests of a Silicon Photomultiplier Module for Detection of Cherenkov Photons 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Silicon photomultipliers, whose main advantage over conventional photomultiplier tubes is the operation in high magnetic fields, have been considered as position sensitive, single photon detector in a proximity focusing RICH with aerogel radiator. A module, consisting of 64 (8x8) Hamamatsu MPPCS10362-11-100P silicon photomultipliers, has been constructed and tested with Cherenkov photons emitted in an aerogel radiator by 120 GeV/c pions from the CERN T4-H6 beam. In order to increase the efficiency, i.e. the effective surface on which light is detected, the potential of using light concentrators has been investigated.
        Speaker: Mr Rok Dolenec (Institut "Jožef Stefan")
      • 17:50
        Studies of Silicon Photo-Multipliers at cryogenic temperatures 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Multicell Geiger-mode APDs (SiPMs) experienced a fast development in the last years. SiPM based detectors where multiphoton detection is involved are becoming common, but the use of SiPMs for single photon applications is still problematic due to their high dark rate, which can be reduced by several orders of magnitude only by cooling. SiPM operation at low temperature is also very interesting for scintillation detection in low T systems. We investigated the behavior of different kind of SiPM at different T in the range 10K<T<350K. I-V characteristics, breakdown voltage, dark noise, after-pulsing, cross-talk, pulse shape, gain and photon detection efficiency were studied as a function of T and as a function of bias voltage, both in proportional (below breakdown) and in Geiger operation mode. The discussion of the results is based on the physical properties of silicon and on models related to avalanche and tunnel breakdown in high field regions and carrier generation, transport and freeze-out at low T. In particular we are able to explain the following phenomena: decrease of breakdown voltage at low T, strong dark rate suppression at low T, increase of after-pulsing below T=100K, no dependence of cross-talk on T and the evolution of the signal pulse shape, photon detection efficiency and gain as functions of T. In conclusion we show how our studies might result in enhancements of SiPM performances at low temperatures and we discuss some possible applications to new detectors.
        Speaker: Dr Giuseppina Bisogni
    • 19:30 22:00
      Conference Banquet 2h 30m Wappensaal (Vienna City Hall)


      Vienna City Hall

    • 09:00 10:40
      Calorimeters 1 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 09:00
        Calorimeters 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Calorimeters are one of the most versatile components of a modern detector. From energy measurement to particle identification, from time resolution to ``tracking'', to fast trigger capability, they offer excellent performance on a large variety of applications. In this talk I will overview the calorimeters of the major modern high energy physics experiments, and I will touch briefly on calorimeters for astroparticle and neutrino physics. The state of the art technologies, the novelties in material, and electronics for calorimeters will be presented. I will discuss innovative analysis techniques and the currently best results obtained with modern calorimeters.
        Speaker: Dr Erika Garutti (DESY)
      • 09:50
        Instrumentation for the Northern Site of the Pierre Auger Observatory 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The Pierre Auger Observatory is a multi-national project for research on ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The Southern Auger Observatory (Auger South) in Mendoza province, Argentina, was completed in 2008 with an instrumented area of 3,000 km**2. Science results form Auger South motivate the completion and extension of the investigations begun there by constructing the Northern Auger Observatory (Auger North), with a much larger acceptance for the extremely rare cosmic ray events above a few times 10**19 eV. The Northern Auger Observatory (Auger North) will have an instrumented area of 20,000 km**2 in Southeast Colorado, USA. This presentation will describe the layout and technical implementation of Auger North, highlighting advances with respect to the Auger South instrumentation that have been made to improve performance, reduce costs, and accommodate differences between the Southern and Northern sites. Improvements to the Fluorescence Detector calibration systems and the Surface Detector station dynamic range will be discussed, and the design the new Communications System, based on a peer-to-peer network topology will be presented.
        Speaker: Prof. David Nitz (Michigan Technological University)
      • 10:15
        The Baikal Neutrino Project: Present and Perspective 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The Neutrino Telescope NT200 is operated since 1998 and was upgraded to the 10 Mton detector NT200+ in 2005. The preparation towards a development of a km3-scale detector in Lake Baikal is currently a central activity point. As an important milestone a km3-prototype Cherenkov string, based on completely new technology, has been installed in 2008 and was successfully operating together with NT200+ since April 2008. It was upgraded in April 2009. Also, we review the status of high-energy acoustic neutrino detection activities in Lake Baikal. The Baikal collaboration designed a hydro-acoustic string which may be regarded as a prototype subunit for a future neutrino acoustic array. We present selected physics results from the long-term operation of NT200, the results of background studies for acoustic detection of UHE neutrinos, as well as the results of associated science activities.
        Speaker: Nikolai Budnev (Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia)
    • 10:40 11:20
      Coffee Break 40m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 11:20 12:35
      Calorimeters 2 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 11:20
        The ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter at the LHC 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The Liquid Argon calorimeter (LAr) is a key detector component in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The LAr calorimeter has been installed in the ATLAS cavern and filled with liquid argon since 2006. We present results assessing the liquid argon calorimeter performance obtained using random triggers, calibration data, cosmic muons, and LHC beam splash events (from fall 2008 LHC running). Preliminary results from the 2009-2010 LHC running period (if available at the time of the Conference) will also be presented. The properties of each read-out channels such as pedestal, noise and gain have been measured and show the high stability of the LAr electronics over several months of data taking. Calibration data are stored into a database and used at reconstruction level (online and offline). Calibration data together with calculated cable delays are used to time-in the calorimeter front-end electronics. Results are compared to data from muons and splash events. The quality of the energy reconstruction at the first trigger level has also been studied. We also present the method used to predict the ionization pulse shape and estimate the quality of the prediction using cosmic muons and beam splash events. Using ionization signals from quasi-projective cosmic muons, the uniformity of the calorimeter response has been measured. Moreover, using radiative cosmic muon events, key calorimeter variables used to identify electrons and photons in ATLAS have been compared to simulations.
        Speaker: Ms Iro Koletsou (LAPP)
      • 11:45
        LHCb calorimeter calibration 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The calorimeter system of LHCb consists of an electromagnetic and a hadronic calorimeter (ECAL and HCAL), as well as of a scintillator layer (SPD) and a pre-shower detector (PS) that contribute to the identification of hadrons, photons, pi0s and electrons. The calorimeter system plays a key role at the first level of the LHCb trigger, for which it provides high pT candidates and particle identification. Because of the similarity of input signals and functionalities, common electronic system for the ECAL and HCAL is used, based on a dead-timeless and low pedestal integrator system using delay lines, followed by ADCs and pipeline buffers. They both control the PMT response with LED system. Based on commissioning and very first data, the presented results will include the preliminary calibration, and a first evaluation of detector performances in terms of efficiency and trigger capabilities. In particular emphasis will be put on calibration methods which differ for the different sub-detector systems: - E-flow procedure for ECAL and HCAL - The response to electrons, pi0 or minimum ionizing particle for the ECAL. - monitoring the response to a Cesium source for the HCAL.
        Speaker: Dr Miriam Calvo Gomez (Universidad de Barcelona)
      • 12:10
        Test Beam Performance of the CALICE SiW Electromagnetic Calorimeter Physics Prototype 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        A prototype of a highly granular SiW electromagnetic calorimeter composed of approximately 10000 cells contained in a volume of 18x18x30 cm^3 for an ILC detector has been examined in test beam campaigns conducted by the CALICE collaboration. Within the test beam environment a signal over noise ratio has been found to be 7.5 compared with the goal of 10 as envisaged for an ILC detector. The energy resolution of approximately 17%/sqrt(E[GeV]) is well within specifications. With the extracted linearity of approximately 1% the proof-of-principle is given that these high granular calorimeters can be operated successfully under beam conditions. The data will be further analysed in terms of exploiting the unprecedented high granularity which allows for instance the tracking of individual particles within hadronic cascades. The latter constitutes an important input to the tuning of existing hadronic shower models as available within the simulation toolkit GEANT4.
        Speaker: Dr Daniel Jeans (Ecole Polytechnique)
    • 12:35 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 25m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 14:00 15:15
      Calorimeters 3 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 14:00
        CASCADE, neutron detectors for highest count rates in combination with ASIC/FPGA based readout electronics 50m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The modular CASCADE detector system is designed for high intensity neutron applications with high demands on the dynamical range, contrast as well as background. The system is based on a conceptually innovative detector front-end paired with strategic transfer of modern technology from the fields of highly integrated readout electronics. The detector front-end is a hybrid, solid converter gas detector, which has proven its high rate capability also in other fields as the high-energy physics. In the CASCADE detector, several Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils, invented from Sauli at CERN, are employed as charge transparent substrates to carry solid 10B layers. These coated GEMs are then stacked one behind the other to cumulate the detection efficiency of every layer without spoiling position information. The charges generated by the fragmentation products in the gas spacing between successive GEMs are channelled through the GEMs to a readout structure. The last GEM foil is operated with gain in order to raise signals comfortably above the noise level of electronics. The use of GEM-foils allows high count rates up to 107 n/cm2 s. The use of 10B allows detector operation with ordinary counting gases under normal pressure. The well-defined neutron absorption locus inside the thin boron layer provides sub microsecond absolute time resolution, which opens the door towards new TOF applications. Because 96% isotopically enriched boron is available in large quantities and for a reasonable price in contrast to 3He, 10B-converter based neutron detector technology is one of the very few technological alternatives to 3He in view of the imminent crisis in world-wide supply of 3He. The neutron detection bottleneck shifts to data read-out electronics and its bandwidth. Highly integrated ASIC-technology allows to realize thousands of individual detection channels at non-proportional cost. The CASCADE detector design uses an ASIC electronic front-end paired with an adaptable integrated FPGA data processing unit to provide high rate capacity and online event reconstruction. Furthermore the FPGA’s firmware manages the onboard memory to realize freely configurable histogram counters. These data counters allow to effectively histogram and thus compress neutron data to a level, where exclusively user relevant information remains. But also list-mode can be taken and read out as one possible configuration. Applications of this detector for thermal, cold and ultra-cold neutrons will be shown.
        Speaker: Martin Klein (Univ. Heidelberg)
      • 14:50
        Improved efficiency of high resolution thermal and cold neutron imaging 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        Spatial resolution and detection efficiency of neutron imaging detectors are the crucial parameters defining the ultimate resolution in neutron radiography, microtomography and other nondestructive testing techniques. The most widely used neutron imaging systems use a neutron-sensitive scintillation screen lens-coupled to a CCD or a CMOS sensor. The highest spatial resolution in those devices is achieved using very thin scintillation screens which reduce image blurring due to light spreading in the scintillator. Thus high spatial resolution and high detection efficiency usually could not be achieved in the same device. Fortunately, neutron detectors using neutron-sensitive microchannel plates (MCPs) overcome that deficiency by providing a long neutron absorption path (~mm scale) and preserving events within a single sub-10 um pore. At the same time, each neutron in those detectors can be time-tagged with ~1 us accuracy. The latest boron-10 and gadolinium-doped MCPs developed by Nova Scientific were tested at the cold neutron facility ICON of Paul Scherrer Institute and proved to have 70% neutron detection efficiency. High spatial and temporal resolution of our neutron counting detectors enable high resolution microtomography, novel studies of material composition, texture, phase and strain through Bragg edge imaging as well as dynamic studies of magnetic fields inside of thick samples, exploiting the neutron spin interactions with magnetic fields.
        Speaker: Dr Anton Tremsin (University of California at Berkeley)
    • 15:15 15:55
      Coffee Break 40m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 15:55 17:10
      Calorimeters 4 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 15:55
        Enhancement of the hadron electron discrimination in calorimeters by detection of the neutron component. 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        In many physics experiments where calorimeters are employed, the requirement of an accurate energy measurement is accompanied by the requirement of a very high hadron electron discrimination power. Normally the latter requirement is achieved by designing a high granularity detector with sufficient depth so that the showers can fully develop. This method has many drawbacks ranging from the high number of electronic channels to the high mass of the detector itself. Some of these drawbacks may in fact limit severely the deployment of such a detector in many experiments, most notably space based ones. Another method which has been proposed by our group and is currently under investigation is through the use of scintillation detectors which are sensitive to the neutron component of the hadron showers. Here a review of the current status will be presented starting with the simulations performed both with GEANT4 and FLUKA. A small prototype detector has been built following the simulation outputs and has been tested at a neutron beam and at a high energy pion/electron beam behind a "shallow" calorimeter. Results are encouraging and indicate that it is possible to augment the discrimination power of an existing calorimeter by the addition of a small mass neutron detector, thus paving the way for better performing astroparticle experiments.
        Speakers: Prof. Oscar Adriani (Università and INFN Firenze), Prof. Raffaello D'Alessandro (Università and INFN Firenze)
      • 16:20
        Performance of the Liquid Xenon Detector for the MEG experiment 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        The MEG searches for the undiscovered μ → e γ and aims at a better sensitivity by two orders of magnitude than the current experimental upper limit. This sensitivity enables to reach the region predicted by some models of new physics such as supersymmetric grand unified theory. For the precise measurement of the γ-ray from the μ → e γ decay, a liquid xenon scintillation detector with 900-liter of liquid xenon surrounded by 846 photo-multipliers was constructed and successfully operated during the first physics data taking for three months in year 2008. Around the signal-γ energy (52.8MeV) we evaluated the performance of the liquid xenon detector, by using 54.9MeV photons obtained from a π0 decay in a charge exchange reaction of π- stopped in a hydrogen target. We here present the measured detector resolutions for energy, timing and position as well as the detection efficiency.
        Speaker: Mr Yasuhiro Nishimura (The University of Tokyo)
      • 16:45
        Performance Of Shashlik Calorimeters Read Out By Silicon Photomultipliers 25m HS 1

        HS 1

        TU Vienna

        Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
        In recent years many devices have been proposed as an alternative to the photomultipliers tubes (PMTs) for the readout of scintillating detectors. Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) are silicon devices composed by a matrix of pixels joined together in a common silicon substrate. Each pixel can be considered as a diode reverse biased above the breakdown voltage working in Geiger discharge mode: the analog response of the device is obtained considering the number of fired pixels. The main advantages with respect to the PMTs are the small dimensions, the simple readout and the insensitivity to magnetic fields. This contribution presents the performances of two different types of SiPMs with a sensitive area of 1mm^2 and 9mm^2 manufactured by FBK-Irst used to read two different shashlik calorimeters composed by lead and scintillator tiles for a total of 24 and 19 radiation lengths and readout by 64 and 144 WLS fibers grouped in bundles for a total of 16 channels each. The main feature of the experimental setup is the fact that it represents the first feasibility study of non-amplified SiPMs in a typical HEP scenario. The performances of the two calorimeters have been analyzed in terms of linearity, energy and spatial resolution using both low and high energy particles in three beam tests performed at the CERN PS T10, T9 and SPS H4 beamlines.
        Speaker: Erik Vallazza (INFN Trieste (Italy))
    • 17:10 17:30
      Award Ceremony 20m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      Speaker: Robert Klanner (University of Hamburg)
    • 17:30 18:20
      Summary Talk 50m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      In this talk, the presenter will summarize all contributions of this conference with emphasis to the new and exciting new developments.
      Speaker: Amos Breskin (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)
    • 09:00 10:40
      Applications 1 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 09:00
        The Clear-PEM Breast Imaging Scanner 25m
        We present results on the characterization of the Clear-PEM breast imaging scanner. Clear-PEM is a dual-head Positron Emission Mammography scanner using APD-based detector modules that are capable of measuring depth-of-interaction (DOI) with a resolution of 2 mm in LYSO:Ce crystals. The full system comprises 192 detector modules in a total of 6144 LYSO:Ce crystals and 384 32-pixel APD arrays readout by ASICs with 192 input channels. The system includes Frontend and Data Acquisition electronics and a robotic gantry for detector placement and rotation. The software implements calibration (energy, time and DOI), normalization and image reconstruction algorithms. In this work, the scanner main technical characteristics, calibration strategies and the spectrometric performance in a clinical environment are presented. Images obtained with point sources and extended uniform sources are also presented. The image resolution was found to be of the order of 1.3 mm FWHM. The DOI capability was shown to have a strong impact on the image sharpness. Images of extended uniform 68Ge sources, corrected for sensitivity and for the artifacts due detector dead spaces, have good uniformity. An assessment of the first clinical experience will be presented at the conference. In parallel, a new multimodal Ultrasound - PET scanner is under development. The Clear-PEM Sonic is based on the prototype ClearPEM and will be coupled to an ultrasonic transducer arm. New results are expected soon.
        Speaker: Mr Jorge Neves (LIP - Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics)
      • 09:25
        Demonstration of an Axial PET concept for brain and small animal imaging 25m
        We present the experimental demonstration of a new geometrical concept for high resolution PET imaging, immune from parallax error and magnetic field. We aim to overcome the main performance limitations of standard PET cameras (with radially arranged crystals), whose lack of Depth Of Interaction of the 511 keV gamma-ray and incapability of recognizing Compton events inside the crystals cause a non-uniform spatial resolution. Our concept consists of long scintillation LYSO crystals, axially arranged around the Field Of View, and Wave Length Shifter (WLS) strips, orthogonal to the crystals. The energy measurement and the transverse coordinates (x, y) are provided by the crystals, while the axial coordinate is obtained from the strips. The photons from crystals and WLSs are individually read out by G-APDs. The spatial resolution only depends on the cross section of the crystals and on the WLS strip width, while the sensitivity can be enhanced increasing the number of crystal layers. Simulations show that about 60% of Compton events in the crystal matrix can be reconstructed. Two AX-PET modules – each with 48 crystals and 156 WLS strips – have been built and fully characterized. Specific simulation and reconstruction software has been developed. We found very good energy resolution of 11.5% (FWHM) at 511 keV and spatial resolution of better than 2 mm (FWHM) in all 3 coordinates. Coincidence measurements with point-like sources and with PET phantoms are in preparation.
        Speaker: Dr Paolo Beltrame (Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))
      • 09:50
        Results from Prototypes of Some Environmental and Health Alarm Devices Based on Gaseous Detectors Operating in Air in Counting Mode 25m
        There exist some commercial environmental alarm /monitoring and health safety related devices operating in the ionization mode, for example smoke detectors, medical x-rays and charged particles dosimeters and so on. Based on our recent studies, conditions were found for the stable operation of some micropattern and wire type gaseous detectors in air with high gas gains. This enables to operate them in pulse counting modes and gaining orders of magnitude in sensitivity with respect to ionization chambers. We will shortly review our earlier achievements in this direction; however, the main focus will be given on new designs and results. In particular we will present the latest design of a Rn detector for applications in possible earthquake prediction and a novel detector of tracing of dangerous gases in air (toxic, flammable, combustive). The Rn detector is more sensitive than the best commercial detectors, but much simpler and cheaper. In the design of the dangerous gases detector a few new features were implemented, for example simultaneous gas ionization and absorption measurements and utilization of UV radiation with a wavelength shorter than the cut off of the air transmission and as a result it has much superior sensitivity with characteristics comparable to any commercial device. We believe that due to their high sensitivity, simplicity and low cost such new detectors will find massive applications.
        Speaker: Vladimir Peskov (CERN)
      • 10:15
        Photonic Crystals: A Novel Approach to Enhance the Light Output of Scintillation Based Detectors 25m
        Future high-energy physics (HEP) experiments as well as next generation medical imaging applications are more and more pushing towards better scintillation characteristics. One of the problems in heavy scintillating materials is related to their high electronic density, resulting in a large index of refraction. As a consequence, most of the scintillation light produced in the bulk material is trapped inside the crystal due to total internal reflection. The same problem also occurs with light emitting diodes (LEDs) and has for a long time been considered as a limiting factor for their overall efficiency. Recent studies have shown that those limits can be overcome by means of light scattering effects of photonic crystals (PhCs). In our simulations we could show light yield improvements between 50-100% when applying PhC structures to different scintillator materials. To evaluate the results, a PhC modified scintillator was produced in cooperation with the NIL (Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon). By using Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) as a transfer material for the PhC pattern and a 70nm thick Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) layer for the electrical conductivity during the lithography process, we could successfully fabricate first samples of PhC areas on top of LYSO crystals.
        Speaker: Arno Knapitsch (CERN)
    • 10:40 11:10
      Coffee Break 30m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
    • 11:10 13:15
      Applications 2 HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

      Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
      • 11:10
        PICASSO: A Detector for Phase-Contrast Mammography with Synchrotron Radiation 25m
        The SYRMEP (Synchrotron Radiation for Medical Physics) collaboration is performing, for the first time in the world, a clinical program of Mammography with Synchrotron Radiation (MSR), utilizing a conventional screen-film system to acquire Phase Contrast (PhC) x-ray images. The next stage of the clinical trial will take advantage of a digital detector tailored for the characteristics of the SR beam (bright, laminar, monochromatic, and highly coherent). Therefore, the PICASSO (Phase Imaging for Clinical Application with Silicon detector and Synchrotron radiation) project has developed a silicon microstrip detector, arranged in the so-called edge-on configuration. The read-out electronics, operated in single-photon counting, is based on the Mythen-II ASIC developed by the PSI detector group. A double-layer prototype has been tested at the SYRMEP beamline. It meets the requirements for clinical MSR regarding: size, since it covers the full SR beam width (210 mm); acquisition speed, because it is capable of handling more than 10^6 photons/pixel/s; efficiency, due to the high absorption in the 15-20 mm sensor depth; spatial resolution, which is determined by the 0.05 mm strip pitch; contrast resolution, thanks to the single-photon counting approach. These characteristics make PICASSO a unique tool for medical and multidisciplinary research, capable of investigating large samples (several centimeters in diameter) with high resolution PhC imaging, also in tomography.
        Speaker: Dr Luigi Rigon (INFN, Sezione di Trieste, Via Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy)
      • 11:35
        Application of the Medipix2 Technology to Space Radiation Dosimetry and Hadron Therapy Beam Monitoring 25m
        The Medipix2 Collaboration, based at CERN, has developed the TimePix version of the Medipix pixel readout chip, which has the ability to provide either an ADC or TDC capability separately in each of its 256 x 256 pixels. When coupled to a Si detector layer, the device is an excellent candidate for application as an active dosimeter for use in Space Radiation Environments. In order to facilitate such a development, data have been taken with Heavy Ions at the HIMAC facility in Chiba, Japan. In particular, the problem of determining the resolution of such a detector system with respect to heavy ions of differing charges and energies, but with similar dE/dx values has been explored for several ions. The ultimate problem is to parse the information in the pixel "footprint" images from the drift of the charge cloud produced in the detector layer. In addition, with the use of convertor materials, the detector can be used as a neutron detector, and it has been used both as a charged particle and neutron detector to evaluate the detailed properties of the radiation fields produced by hadron therapy beams. New versions of the basic chip design are ongoing.
        Speaker: Prof. Lawrence Pinsky (University of Houston-Physics Dept.-Houston, Texas USA)
      • 12:00
        Performances of silicon detectors for the SiliPET project: A Small Animal PET Scanner based on Stacks of Silicon Detectors 25m
        In this paper we propose a new scanner for small-animal positron emission tomography based on stacks of double sided silicon detectors. Each stack is composed of 40 planar detectors with dimension 60× 60×1 mm3 and 128 orthogonal strips on both sides to read the two coordinates of interaction, the third being the detector number in the stack. Multiple interactions in a stack are discarded by an exclusive OR applied between each plane detector of a stack. In this way we achieve a precise determination of the interaction point of the two 511 keV photons. The reduced dimensions of such a scanner also improve the solid angle coverage resulting in a high sensitivity. A proof of principle has already been performed with the MEGA prototype tracker demonstrating the underlying idea. We report on the spatial resolution, imaging, spectral and timing performances obtained with double sided silicon detectors, manufactured by ITC-FBK, having an active area of 3 x 3 cm^2 and a strip pitch of 500 microns. Two different strip widths and two thicknesses of 1 mm and 1.5 mm, with orthogonal strips on opposite sides, were read out with the VATAGP2.5 general purpose ASIC. We will present the improvements made on a new compact version of the board containing the control signals, ASIC control voltages, interface isolator and ADC. We will use a new version of the VATAGP with 50 ns peaking time to reduce time walk. Timing performances obtained with 2 layer stacks will also be presented.
        Speaker: Natalia Auricchio (Università di Ferrara and INFN - Ferrara)
      • 12:25
        Dose Imaging Detectors for Radiotherapy Based on Gas Electron Multipliers 25m
        In recent years there has been increased interest throughout the world in the use of proton radiation therapy for treatment of tumors. The new techniques in radiation therapy and widespread use of modern dynamic beam delivery systems demand new beam monitoring devices as well as accurate 2D dosimetry systems to verify the delivered dose distribution. We are developing dose imaging detectors based on gas electron multiplier (GEM) with the goal of improving dose measurement linearity, position and timing resolution, and to ultimately allow pre-treatment verification of dose distributions and on-line monitoring of radiotherapy treatments employing scanning beam technology. A prototype 10×10 cm2 double-GEM detector is undergoing tests in the 205 MeV proton beam at IUCF, in electronic and optical readout modes. Preliminary results with electronic cross-strip readout demonstrate fast response (signal rise and fall time of <40 ns with X-ray and electron sources), single pixel (4 mm) position resolution, linearity up to dose rates of 50 Gy/min, and adequate representation of the Bragg peak.
        Speaker: Dr Alexander Klyachko (Indiana University Cyclotron Facility)
      • 12:50
        Development of an Electron-Tracking Compton Camera using CF4 gas at high pressure for improved detection efficiency 25m
        In MeV gamma-ray astronomy, the only observation by a Compton camera, COMPTEL, succeeded. The sensitivity of COMPTEL is, however, worse than those of detectors in the X-ray and other gamma-ray regions for the large background. Therefore a Compton observatory with better sensitivity is required. We have developed an Electron-Tracking Compton Camera (ETCC) consisting of a gaseous micro Time Projection Chamber (μTPC) and a GSO(Ce) scintillation camera surrounding the μTPC. The μTPC, based on a GEM and a micro-pixel chamber (μPIC) whose pitch is 400 μm, measures the recoil electron, and the Compton scattered gamma-ray is measured by the scintillation camera. Thus, the ETCC is able to reconstruct the incident direction for a single photon. Several prototype ETCCs with a detection volume of about 10 × 10 × 10 cm^3 filled with an Ar/C2H6 (90:10) gas mixture at 760 Torr were developed and their performances were studied. In order to achieve a sensitivity 10 times better than that of COMPTEL, we are developing an ETCC with μTPC using CF4 gas and at a higher pressure. We are developing the ETCC with μTPC using an Ar/CF4/iC4H10 (54:40:6) mixture at 1520 Torr which is expected to have a sensitivity over 3 times better than that of our prototypes. In this presentation, we will report the basic characteristics such as gains, drift velocities, energy resolutions, and position resolutions measured with the μTPC and angular resolutions and detection efficiencies measured with the ETCC.
        Speaker: Mr Michiaki Takahashi (Japan)
    • 13:15 13:35
      Closing 20m HS 1

      HS 1

      TU Vienna

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