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Large sensitive area conventional PMTs, recently developed by Hamamatsu (13 in. R8055 and 10 in. R7018 with high quantum efficiency photocathode) and Photonis (12 in. XP1807) demonstrate good performances. Due to high secondary electron emission coefficient of their first dynode the rate of prepulses are suppressed. The late pulses rate is at 3-5% level, the rate of afterpulses varies significantly from a few percents to more than 10%.
A HPD with luminescent screen is a combination of electron-optic preamplifier with large hemispherical photocathode and small conventional type PMT. Such approach allows to achieve excellent time and amplitude resolutions. QUASAR-370Y phototube, the basic photodetector of the lake Baikal neutrino experiment, has 1.8-2.2 ns (fwhm) jitter and 70-85% single electron resolution (fwhm). The best modification of QUASAR-370 phototube with LSO scintillator reaches 1ns (fwhm) jitter and 30% single electron resolution. The phototubes have no prepulses, late pulses and very low rate of afterpulses (<1%). So far scintillators used in QUASAR-370 phototubes have 27-50 ns decay time making the time response of the phototube rather slow. We have developed a pilot sample of small HPD with relatively new scintillator ZnO:Ga as a monocrystal. The scintillatior has ~700 ps decay time and ~1000 photons per MeV light yield. The developed HPD has <1 ns jitter (fwhm). The time response of the HPD is restricted by the time response of the small PMT used in the HPD readout. In our case the HPD has a 3-4 ns pulse width (fwhm). One can compare it with ~20-30ns pulse width (fwhm) of large sensitive area PMTs like R8055, R7018 and XP1807.
So, using new fast and effective scintillators, like ZnO:Ga, in the HPDs with luminescent screens will remove their only shortcoming - slow time response. It will make them practically ideal photodetectors for the next generation giant neuttrino experiments.