15–20 Feb 2010
TU Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Toward a high granularity, high counting rate, differential readout-timing RPC

Not scheduled
HS 1 (TU Vienna)

HS 1

TU Vienna

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
Board: A19
Poster not shown


Prof. Mihai Petrovici (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)-)


Next generation experiments like CBM at FAIR will be confronted with the selection of rare probes in high multiplicity environment at collision rates up to 107events/sec. Hadron identification in such a limiting environment is a real challenge and requires intensive R&D activity for developing high resolution and high granularity timing detectors at affordable cost. A new differential architecture of a resistive plate counter based on a high granularity strip structure readout electrodes, symmetric relative to the central anode, is proposed. Results of the 60Co source tests and of the in-beam investigations using minimum ionizing particles are discussed.

Summary (Additional text describing your work. Can be pasted here or give an URL to a PDF document):

Toward a high granularity, high counting rate, differential readout - timing RPC

D.Bartos1, G. Caragheorgheopol1, M. Petris1,
M. Petrovici1, V. Simion1, I. Deppner2,
N. Herrmann2, M. Kiss2, P. Loizeau2, Y.Zhang2, C.J. Williams3

1Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)
407 Atomistilor, Magurele - Bucharest, 077125, Romania
2Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg
3CERN, Geneva

Next generation experiments like CBM at FAIR will be confronted with the selection of rare probes in high multiplicity environment at collision rates up to 107events/sec. Hadron identification in such a limiting environment is a real challenge and requires intensive R&D activity for developing high resolution and high granularity timing detectors at affordable cost. Low polar angles region of CBM-TOF detector will be exposed at high counting rate (up to about 20 kHz/cm2) and high multiplicity (up to 1000 tracks/event at 25 AGeV Au+Au collisions). Therefore a high counting rate
and high granularity detector is required. For this particular region of the TOF wall a new differential architecture of a resistive plate counter (RPC) based on a high granularity strip structure readout electrodes is proposed. The counter has two identical halves, symmetrically disposed relative to the central anode, with 2 x 5 gaps of 0.140 mm size each. The readout electrodes (the cathodes and central double-sided anode) have a strip structure of 2.54 mm pitch and 1.1 mm strip width. The high voltage electrodes have the same strip structure as the readout ones.
A time resolution better than 100 ps was obtained in the 60Co source tests, using for signal processing the amplifier/discriminator based on NINO ASIC chip developed within ALICE Collaboration.
The in-beam tests were performed at the SIS accelerator of GSI - Darmstadt, using the same electronics.
During these tests the RPC was operated at different high voltages and a gas flow of 85\% C2F4H2, 10\% SF6and
5\% C4H10at normal pressure. The detection efficiency was studied as a function of high voltage. A very good time resolution and a cluster size of ~1.2 strips are obtained. The results recommend such an architecture for high multiplicity environment.

Corresponding author: Mihai Petrovici
e-mail mpetro@ifin.nipne.ro

Primary author

Prof. Mihai Petrovici (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)-)

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