Large Detector Systems 3
- Hans Jurgen Hilke (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
Costanza Cavicchioli
15/02/2010, 16:10
Contributed Talk
The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) forms the two innermost layers of the ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS). It consists of two layer barrel of hybrid silicon pixel detectors at radii of 3.9 cm and 7.6 cm, respectively. The physics targets of the ALICE experiment requires that the material budget of the ITS is kept within about 1% X0. This has put some stringent constraints on the design...
Will Johns
(Vanderbilt University)
15/02/2010, 16:35
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
Contributed Talk
The Pixel Detectors of the CMS experiment were installed and commissioned in the Summer and fall of 2008, removed, repaired and reinstalled in the Spring of 2009 and recommissioned in the Summer of 2009 in preparation for beam. The performance of the pixel detector during the fall of 2009 with 450 GeV/c and 1.18 TeV/c circulating beams in the LHC will be discussed.
Martin Weber
(RWTH Aachen University)
15/02/2010, 17:00
Contributed Talk
We present results of the CMS Silicon Tracker commissioning and calibration
procedures including full alignment in its final position based on several
million reconstructed tracks, recorded during commissioning of the CMS
experiment with cosmic rays in 2008 and 2009. Outlook for calibration and
alignment with first collision data in 2009-2010 and expected tracking
performance will be...
Sergo Jindariani
15/02/2010, 17:25
Contributed Talk
The silicon detectors at the CDF Experiment in Run II have been collecting data steadily in a hard radiation environment for the last 8 years. This has led to the presence of some aging effects, such as type-inversion of the substrate or increase of the intrinsic noise, that are carefully monitored in order to maintain the detector performance at the highest level and to predict the useful...
Davide Piccolo
(Laboratori Nazionali Frascati INFN (on leave of absence from INFN Napoli))
15/02/2010, 17:50
Contributed Talk
During 2008 and 2009, large samples of cosmic muons were collected by the CMS Collaboration with both magnetic field on and off, with the goal of commissioning the experiment for extended operation. The performances of the CMS muon system have been studied in detail using these data. Detector and trigger results will be shown for the three independent muon detectors employed in the CMS muon...