Oscar Adriani
(Università and INFN Firenze), Prof.
Raffaello D'Alessandro
(Università and INFN Firenze)
19/02/2010, 15:55
Contributed Talk
In many physics experiments where calorimeters are employed, the requirement of an accurate energy measurement is accompanied by the requirement of a very high hadron electron discrimination power.
Normally the latter requirement is achieved by designing a high granularity detector with sufficient depth so that the showers can fully develop.
This method has many drawbacks ranging from the...
Yasuhiro Nishimura
(The University of Tokyo)
19/02/2010, 16:20
Contributed Talk
The MEG searches for the undiscovered μ → e γ and aims at a better sensitivity by two orders of magnitude than the current experimental upper limit. This sensitivity enables to reach the region predicted by some models of new physics such as supersymmetric grand unified theory.
For the precise measurement of the γ-ray from the μ → e γ decay, a liquid xenon scintillation detector with...
Erik Vallazza
(INFN Trieste (Italy))
19/02/2010, 16:45
Contributed Talk
In recent years many devices have been proposed as an alternative to the photomultipliers tubes (PMTs) for the readout of scintillating detectors. Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) are silicon devices composed by a matrix of pixels joined together in a common silicon substrate. Each pixel can be considered as a diode reverse biased above the breakdown voltage working in Geiger discharge mode:...