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NuFact 2016 SPC



    • 15:30 15:32
    • 15:32 15:42
      status of actions 10m
    • 15:42 15:44
      agenda of meeting 2m
    • 15:44 16:00
      questions to the workshop, block table, speakers proposals 16m
      Speaker: Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))
    • 16:00 16:10
      matters arising 10m
    • 16:10 16:16
      status of local organization 6m
      Speaker: Jacques Dumarchez (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
    • 16:16 16:26
      status of WG1 10m
      Speakers: Alexander Himmel (Fermilab), Francesca Di Lodovico (University of London (GB)), Mark Hartz
    • 16:26 16:31
      status of WG2 5m
      Speakers: Gabriel Perdue (Fermilab), Hidekazu TANAKA (University of Tokyo), Marco Martini
    • 16:31 16:36
      status of WG3 5m
      Speakers: Ben Freemire (Illinois Institute of Technology), Chris Densham (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)), Jingyu Tang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
    • 16:36 16:42
      Status of WG4 6m
      Speakers: Angela Papa, Craig Group, li haibo
    • 16:43 16:48
      Status of WG5 5m
      Speakers: Pilar Coloma, Sanjib Agarwalla, Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari)
    • 16:52 17:02
      a.o.b. and list of actions 10m