First Barcelona Techno Week: Course on semiconductor radiation detectors

N06 (Other Institutes)


Other Institutes

Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES)), Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
Barcelona Techno weeks will be a series of meeting point events between academia and industry. Organised around a technological topic of interest for both worlds. They will include comprehensive multidisciplinary keynote presentations by world experts on the selected subjects combined with networking activities to foster collaboration among participants. This first edition includes a course on solid state radiation detection, from physics and electronics fundamentals to state-of-the-art reviews on radiation (X-ray, gamma-ray, charged particle) and visible light detection technologies and their applications. Lectures with extended coffee breaks and lunch, social events plus a dedicated poster and industrial presentation session are scheduled during five days.
    • Introductory concepts: Welcome and introduction N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Conveners: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES)), Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 1
        Speaker: Prof. Atilà Herms
      • 2
        Introduction to ICCUB
        Speaker: Lluis Garrido Beltran (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 3
        Course Introduction
        Speakers: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES)), Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
    • Introductory concepts: Semiconductor Detectors N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Conveners: Erik Heijne (Czech Technical University (CZ)), Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 4
        70 years of semiconductor nuclear detectors, principles and overview of implementations

        The explanation of the photo-electric effect in 1905 literally shed light on the structure of matter. Nevertheless, it still took 40 years before the first practical solid devices exploited this understanding for detection of ionizing nuclear particles. From then on, during 70 years a succession of innovations has led to widespread use of semiconductor nuclear detectors in physics, materials analysis and medical imaging. The silicon-based micro- and nano-electronics technology enabled much of these semiconductor sensor developments. (Short demo with Timepix device).

        Speaker: Erik Heijne (Czech Technical University (CZ))
    • 10:30
      Coffe break N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
    • Introductory concepts: Semiconductor Physics N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Conveners: Erik Heijne (Czech Technical University (CZ)), Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 5
        Interaction of photons and electrons with matter

        Introductory concepts: cross section, mean free path and attenuation coefficients. Interaction of photons with matter: photoelectric effect (Auger electrons and fluorescence photons), Compton scattering, pair production, Rayleigh scattering. Interaction of electrons with matter. Emphasis on materials commonly used as radiation detectors (Si, GaAs, CdTe, CdZnTe, Ge)

        Speaker: Prof. Francesc Salvat (University of Barcelona)
      • 6
        Signal formation in semiconductor detectors (I)

        Semiconductor properties, the p-n junction (depletion width, capacitance), fluctuations on the charge (Fano factor), signal induction, drift, diffusion and the small pixel effect. Detectors classification (for example: 1. Hybrid (1.a. hybrid, 1.b. hybrid+3d), 2. Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (2.a CMOS with charge collection on epitaxial layer, 2.b. Depleted MAPS (HV or HR substrate), CMOS on SOI, DEPFETs).

        Speaker: Erik Heijne (Czech Technical University (CZ))
      • 7
        Timepix demonstration
        Speaker: Erik Heijne (Czech Technical University (CZ))
    • 12:50
      Lunch Physics Faculty Cafeteria

      Physics Faculty Cafeteria

    • Introductory concepts: Semiconductor Physics N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Conveners: Erik Heijne (Czech Technical University (CZ)), Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 8
        Semiconductor detectors: practical Monte Carlo simulation
        Speaker: Prof. Francesc Salvat (University of Barcelona)
    • Introductory concepts: Microelectronics and Signal Processing N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 9
        Introduction to CMOS

        CMOS transistors, Moore’s law, technology roadmap, operation and characteristics (equations for strong and weak inversion), (very short description of bipolars, circuits where they are used) small signal circuit, matching, noise, passive components in CMOS technologies, radiation effects, technology scaling.

        Speaker: Prof. Francesc Serra-Graells (IMB-CNM)
    • 16:30
      Coffee break N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
    • Introductory concepts: Microelectronics and Signal Processing N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 10
        Pulse processing electronics (I)

        Analog CMOS circuit design: The charge sensitive amplifier (Noise mechanisms, ENC, noise sources, dimensioning the input transistor, the preamplifier reset, the shaper, baseline stabilization, discriminator, sample and hold, ADCs, TDCs, packaging and interconnects, examples.

        Speaker: Paul O'Connor (Department of Physics)
    • Introductory concepts: Microelectronics and Signal Processing N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 11
        Pulse processing electronics (II)

        Analog CMOS circuit design: The charge sensitive amplifier (Noise mechanisms, ENC, noise sources, dimensioning the input transistor, the preamplifier reset, the shaper, baseline stabilization, discriminator, sample and hold, ADCs, TDCs, packaging and interconnects, examples.

        Speaker: Paul O'Connor (Department of Physics)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
    • X‐ray and charged particle detectors: Sensors N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 12
        Sensor design and Interconnects

        Si and compound semiconductor sensor design (distances, implantation, interpixel capacitance), edgeless Si sensors. Interconnections: Bump bonding, TSV (types, processing steps, materials involved, etc.)

        Speaker: Sami Vähänen (VTT technical research centre of Finland)
    • 12:50
      Lunch Physics Faculty Cafeteria

      Physics Faculty Cafeteria

    • X‐ray and charged particle detectors: Sensors N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 13
        Radiation hardness in Si detectors

        Radiation hardness in semiconductor detectors. 3D detectors.

        Speaker: Giulio Pellegrini (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC) (ES))
    • X‐ray and charged particle detectors: Pixel Detectors N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 14
        Applications of hybrid pixel detectors (I)

        Applications of hybrid pixel detectors: medical, space applications, dosimetry, material science, electron microscopy

        Speaker: Michael Campbell (CERN)
    • 16:05
      Coffee N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
    • X‐ray and charged particle detectors: Pixel Detectors N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 15
        Applications of hybrid pixel detectors (II)

        Applications of hybrid pixel detectors: medical, space applications, dosimetry, material science, electron microscopy.

        Speaker: Michael Campbell (CERN)
    • Introductory concepts: Practical Monte Carlo Simulation (continuation) N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
    • X‐ray and charged particle detectors: Pixel Detectors N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 16
        Review of hybrid pixel detector readout chips for spectroscopic X-ray imaging

        ASICs for spectroscopic X-Ray imaging, digitization methods, count-rate, strategies for dealing with high fluxes, charge summing and hit allocation architectures, power consumption, detector tiling.

        Speaker: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
    • 10:40
      Coffee break N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
    • X‐ray and charged particle detectors: Pixel Detectors N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 17
        Review of Monolithic pixel detectors

        Passive monolithic pixel sensors and active monolithic pixel sensors: CCDs, CMOS with charge collection on epitaxial layer, Depleted MAPS (HV or HR substrate), CMOS on SOI, DEPFETs

        Speaker: Thanushan Kugathasan (CERN)
    • 12:50
      Lunch Physics Faculty Cafeteria

      Physics Faculty Cafeteria

    • X‐ray and charged particle detectors: Applications N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)
      • 18
        Semiconductor radiation detectors for synchrotrons and XFELs”.

        Synchrotron radiation and XFEL experiments exploit the iteraction of X-rays with the sample under examination in order to investigate its properties.
        Depending on the application, the detector should detect the X-rays transmitted, scattered, diffracted or produced by the samples or the photoelectrons emitted, providing high temporal, spatial or energy resolution.
        The requirements on the dynamic range are particularly demanding due to the high fluxes provided by synchrotron beamlines and to the need to detect signals also from weakly interacting samples.
        Starting from the requirement of the experiments we will review some of the detectors used at synchrotrons:
        - Diffraction/scattering: hybrid detectors;
        - Fluorescence emission spectroscopy: SDD, MAIA, crystal based spectrometers;
        - High resolution imaging: Scintillator-coupled detectors and hybrid detectors with interpolation;
        - Soft X-rays: CCDs
        The requirements become even more challenging in the case of XFELs where several thousands photons per pixel should be detected in one shot and therefore special solutions for extending the dynamic range have to be found.
        We will review some of the detectors used at existing XFELs (CSPAD, pnCCD, MPCCD, GOTTHARD) and developed for the future sources (AGIPD, LPD, DSRC, JUNGFRAU, PERCIVAL).

        Speaker: Anna Bergamaschi (PSI)
    • Industrial: Industrial exhibition Sala de Juntes

      Sala de Juntes

    • Poster: Session I Lobby (floor 1)

      Lobby (floor 1)

    • 16:30
      Coffee Lobby (floor 0)

      Lobby (floor 0)

    • Industrial: Industrial exhibition Sala de Juntes

      Sala de Juntes

    • Poster: session II Lobby (floor 1)

      Lobby (floor 1)

    • X‐ray and charged particle detectors: Applications N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      • 19
        Space Applications

        Space applications of semiconductor detectors: pixel detectors, strip detector, Compton detectors. Examples: AMS, Astrogam, LOFT, Athena.

        Speaker: Prof. Margarida Hernanz (ICE (CSIC-IEEC))
    • 19:00
      Guided tour Old town

      Old town

    • 21:00
      Dinner Restaurant Salamanca (Barceloneta)

      Restaurant Salamanca (Barceloneta)

    • Light detection: Photosensor Fundamentals N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 20
        CMOS Image and Vision Sensors for 2-D and 3-D
        1. Basic Concepts
        2. Milestones and Trends
        3. Imaging vs Computer Vision
        4. Photodiodes and Pixels
        5. Readout and Sensor Architectures
        6. Exemplary 2-D Sensors
        Speaker: Prof. Angel Rodriguez-Vazquez (IMSE-CNM)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Lobby (floor 0)

      Lobby (floor 0)

    • Light detection: Imagers N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 21
        CMOS Image and Vision Sensors for 2-D and 3-D (II)
        1. Motivations for Time-of-Flight Estimation.
        2. Evolution of 3D Shape Measurement
        3. ToF Estimation in CMOS Technology
        4. Single-Photon Detection in CMOS
        5. SPAD Arrays For 3D Imaging
        6. Si-PM For PET and HEP
        Speaker: Prof. Ricardo Carmona (IMSE-CNM)
    • 12:50
      Lunch Physics Faculty Cafeteria

      Physics Faculty Cafeteria

    • Light detection: Readout Electronics N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 22
        Front End electronics for Photodetectors

        Review of photodetectors model: APD, SPAD, SiPM. Front end electronics for photodetectors: input stage (charge amplifier, transimpedance, RF amplifiers), effect of interconnetions. Optimal processing for timing: design considerations, filtering, TDC design, etc. Examples of readout ASICs for photodetection.

        Speaker: Angelo Rivetti (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
    • Industrial: Industrial exhibition Sala de Juntes

      Sala de Juntes

    • 16:00
      Coffee break Lobby (floor 0)

      Lobby (floor 0)

    • Industrial: Talks and exhibition N06


      • 23
        Exhibition Sala de juntes

        Sala de juntes

      • 24
        Introduction N06


      • 25
        Development Process of Hybrid Photon Counting X-Ray Detectors N06


        DECTRIS is a technology leader in hybrid photon counting X-Ray detection. The DECTRIS photon counting detectors have transformed basic research at synchrotron light sources, as well as in the laboratory and with industrial X-Ray applications. This pioneering technology is the basis of a broad range of products, all scaled to meet the needs of various applications. The focus of today’s talk will be in describing the basic steps of the DECTRIS product development process. The different disciplines involved in this development process will be identified, with particular emphasis on their specific roles and on how they continuously have to interact with each other requiring precise coordination. Furthermore, the basics and the advantages of single-photon counting technology will be discussed. A brief overview of DECTRIS and of the DECTRIS product portfolio will also be presented.

        Speaker: Paolo Livi (DECTRIS)
      • 26
        The Age of Solid-State Detectors for XRF and XRD Analysis N06


        PANalytical provides solutions for the chemical (which and how much of certain elements) and structural (in what molecular structure) analysis of a wide variety of materials. Our customers can be found in virtually all markets including building materials, metals, mining, food, pharma, cosmetics, polymers, oils, plastics, thin film metrology, nanomaterials and many more in industries and research.
        Our solutions are based upon analytical X-ray technologies like X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry. Over the last two decades PANalytical has introduced a number of solid-state detectors in a range of instruments as an essential part for performance improvement.
        Solid-state detectors are the enabling technology for the energy-dispersive XRF (EDXRF) spectrometry where instrument performance is directly linked to detector properties. One- and two-dimensionsal XRD analysis is enhanced and enabled by the use of stripped and pixelized sensors linked to the dedicated application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) for sensor readout.
        Main performance drivers for future detectors are the improvements in energy resolution such as: count-rate capability, detection area, detection efficiency and radiation hardness. Detectors used for XRD analysis have an extra demand of good spatial resolution. These requirements are universal for all X-ray detectors, but the applicable solution is determined by the underlying technology.

        Speaker: Vladimir Jovanovic (Panalytical)
      • 27
        Advacam - From Sensor Fabrication to X-ray Imaging N06


        Speaker: Sami Vähänen (VTT technical research centre of Finland)
      • 28
        Spectral imaging with MARS N06


        Speaker: Ali Atharifard (MARS Bio-imaging Ltd (MBI))
      • 29
        Usage of pixel detector to attract learning of particle physics N06


        Speaker: Lubos Tomesek (Jablotron)
    • Light detection: Readout Electronics N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 30
        Digitization and time pick-up

        Digitizers for photodetectors: ADCs, waveform sampling, etc. Digital pulse processing with emphais on timing properties extraction.

        Speaker: Angelo Rivetti (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
    • 10:30
      Coffee break N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
    • Light detection: Applications N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 31
        Applications: particle physics and medical imaging

        Applications of photodetectors in high energy physics and medical imaging. Focused on solid state (APDs, SPADs, SIPM) but in context of PMT technology.

        Speaker: Chiara Casella (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
    • 12:50
      Lunch Physics Faculty Cafeteria

      Physics Faculty Cafeteria

    • Poster: session III Lobby (floor 1)

      Lobby (floor 1)

    • Light detection: Applications N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 32
        Applications: biology and fluorescence

        pplication of photodetectors in Super-resolution Microscopy, Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy

        Speaker: Dr Jordi Andilla (ICFO)
    • 16:00
      Coffee break N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
    • Light detection: Applications N06


      Other Institutes

      Institut de Ciències del Cosmos Facultat de Física Martí i Franquès, 1 E-08028 Barcelona
      Convener: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 33
        Applications: space and astronomy

        Application of photodetctors in ground and space astrophsyics instruments. CD and CMOS Imaging Devices for Ground Based Telescopes and Space Missions. Cosmic ray amd VHE particle detection with solid state photo-sensors.

        Speakers: David Gascon (University of Barcelona (ES)), Prof. Jose M. Gómez (ICCUB-IEEC)