June 11, 2016
University of Oxford
Europe/Zurich timezone


APPEAL 7 - Understanding the Universe – From Gravitational Waves to Sub-atomic Particles

With the announcement of the discovery of gravitational waves earlier this year and the LHC finding the elusive Higgs boson in 2012, now is a great time to discuss the connections between astrophysics, particle physics and accelerators with A-level pupils.

The University of Oxford is organising in collaboration with CERN a one-day school to give A-level teachers an opportunity to learn about the phenomena and scientific challenges which connect astrophysics, particle physics and the physics of particle accelerators. This school is designed for physics teachers who are not necessarily physics specialists. Preference will be given to teachers coming from schools which usually send very few pupils to University.

Teachers will have the opportunity to learn more about gravitational waves, the Higgs boson(s), the search for dark matter, connections between astrophysics and particle physics, and phenomena being studied with particle accelerators. The school will address questions such as "What is the origin of the Universe and of matter?" "What do gravitational waves tell us about the Universe?" "How do the LHC and other particle accelerators work?" "How are particle accelerators connected to astrophysics?" and "What are the applications of particle accelerators in our daily lives?"

Past APPEAL events (APPEAL-1, APPEAL-2, APPEAL-3, APPEAL-4, APPEAL-5 and APPEAL-6) were very successful and we are looking forward to a very interesting and thought-provoking event this year as well.


The APPEAL-7 event will take place on Saturday, 11 June 2016 at the University of Oxford.

To take part in this school please register before the 27 May 2015.

There are no registration fees for the teachers to participate in the event. The organisers are grateful for the support received from the following organisations: