2–3 Jun 2016
Zilina, Slovakia
Europe/Prague timezone

The ATLAS limits for the tBESS-like Lagrangian

2 Jun 2016, 15:45
AFS09 lecture room (Zilina, Slovakia)

AFS09 lecture room

Zilina, Slovakia

University of Zilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia


Josef Juran (Czech Technical University (CZ))


In this theory work, we investigate how the current ATLAS data constrain the higgs-related couplings of the BSM effective Lagrangian in which new vector resonances are explicitly present. As novelty, we consider the possibility when the Higgs-to-EW-gauge-boson and Higgs-to-vector-resonance interactions are disentangled.

subject Higgs Physics and BSM
suggest duration of your talk 30


Josef Juran (Czech Technical University (CZ)) Mikulas Gintner (University of Zilina (SK))

Presentation materials