2–3 Jun 2016
Zilina, Slovakia
Europe/Prague timezone

W and Z masses in BSM

2 Jun 2016, 17:15
AFS09 lecture room (Zilina, Slovakia)

AFS09 lecture room

Zilina, Slovakia

University of Zilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia


Petr Beneš (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)


We present expressions of the Pagels--Stokar type for the masses of the W and Z bosons in terms of the quark and lepton self-energies. By introducing a genuine new term in the gauge boson--fermion--anti-fermion vertex we manage to accomplish three main achievements: First, we show that the similar results existing in literature lead, in general, to a non-symmetric gauge boson mass matrix and we fix this flaw. Second, we consider the case of any number of fermion generations with general mixing. Third, we include in our analysis also an arbitrary number of right-handed neutrinos, together with the left-handed and right-handed neutrino Majorana masses (self-energies). On top of that, we give also a correction to the original Pagels--Stokar formula for the pion decay constant in QCD.

subject Theory and BSM
suggest duration of your talk 15min


Petr Beneš (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)

Presentation materials