CMS Connect tutorial
RaceTrack (WH7X) (FERMILAB)
RaceTrack (WH7X)
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Pine Street and Kirk Road, FERMILAB
Batavia, IL 60510
CMS Connect is a service designed to provide a Tier3-like environment for condor analysis jobs and enables users to submit to all resources available in the CMS Global Pool. It is a complementary service to CRAB 3:
- Use CRAB 3 for e.g large scale datasets processing via cmsRun
- Use CMS Connect for user-defined scripts via condor for late-analysis non-cmsRun jobs like e.g: making histograms, plots, analyzing trees, etc.
For users, interacting with CMS Connect is similar to interacting with a private cluster or e.g the LPC CAF, the main difference is that jobs do not run on a local pool but are sent to Tier Resources available in the CMS Global Pool, hence it does not provide a shared-filesystem infrastructure or include your CERN/FNAL AFS Home area for example.
Requirements for this workshop:
- Please, make sure you have a valid CMS VO user certificate. Follow this guide if you don't.
- Register to CMS Connect: Registration Link
- Sign-up for this event
Topics in this tutorial include:
- HTCondor: Best Practices
- Submission, file transfer, job matching and classAds, queue monitoring.
- Troubleshooting tips.
- CMSSW-related tips
- Sandbox creation
- Setting up the framework on the worker node
- Transfering files via e.g XRootD, gfal-copy, etc.
- CMS Connect usage
- Account creation, transferring proxy certificates
- Submitting to specific resources
- Dashboard reporting
- Stash