27–28 Oct 2016
Ecole Polytechnique
Europe/Paris timezone


Parallel WP Meetings (optional) - The individual WP meeting plan will be communicated by each WP leader to the members of their WP. Rooms will be organized by and provided at École Polytechnique. Rooms can be requested by email to pieyre@llr.in2p3.fr by 31. August 2016.

26 Oct 2016, 14:00
Amphi Faurre (Ecole Polytechnique)

Amphi Faurre

Ecole Polytechnique

Route de Saclay 91128 Palaiseau France


• The individual WP meeting plan will be communicated by each WP leader to the members of their WP.
• Rooms will be organized by and provided at École Polytechnique. Rooms can be requested by email to pieyre@llr.in2p3.fr by 31. August 2016.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...