Book presentation: "Thorium energy for the world: proceedings of the ThEC13 conference, CERN, October 27-31, 2013"

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Dear colleagues,

The international Thorium Energy Committee (iThEC) and the CERN Library have the pleasure to invite you to the presentation of the Proceedings of ThEC13: "Thorium Energy for the World".

The presentation is organized on the occasion of the publication by Springer of the ThEC13 Conference proceedings. The Thorium Energy Conference (ThEC13) was organized jointly by the international Thorium Energy Committee (iThEC), an association based in Geneva, and the International Thorium Energy Organisation (IThEO). The Conference gathered some of the world’s leading experts on thorium technologies to review the possibility of destroying nuclear waste in the short term, and replacing the uranium fuel cycle in nuclear systems with the thorium fuel cycle in the long term. The latter would provide abundant, reliable and safe energy with no CO2 production, no air pollution, and minimal waste production. The ThEC13 proceedings are a source of reference on the use of thorium for energy generation. They offer detailed technical reviews of the status of thorium energy technologies, from basic R&D to industrial developments.

The full table of contents of the book is available at and anyone with a CERN account may access the full proceedings online from the Springer Web site:


    • 4:00 PM 4:03 PM
      Welcome and introduction of the participants 3m
      Speaker: Jens Vigen (CERN)
    • 4:03 PM 4:13 PM
      iThEC and its current activities 10m
      Speaker: Jean-Pierre Revol (Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi (IT))
    • 4:13 PM 4:38 PM
      Presentation of the proceedings 25m
      Speaker: Maurice Bourquin (University of Geneva)
    • 4:38 PM 4:45 PM
      A word from the publisher 7m
      Speaker: Christian Caron (Springer)