Q4 short model and Prototype Cold mass follow up meeting CEA-CERN #04 ( specific conductor interface )
Minutes of meeting
Q4 short model and Prototype Cold mass follow up meeting CEA-CERN #04
CEA Saclay/iRFU: H. Felice – (HFE), D. Simon (DSN)
CERN TE/MSC: S Izquierdo Bermudez (SBZ), L Fiscarelli (LFI), D Richter (DRR), A Bonasia (ABA), J. Fleiter (Excused), A. Foussat (AFT)
Distribution list: E. Todesco, F. Savary.
Agenda items
14:00 - 14:40
Discussion on Interface with cable: Past test cable measurement on MQM cable (CERN), cable insulation needs for SM, prototype and series ( including spares),
Delivery schedule of cable for Q4 SM, Prototype and series; Discussion
15:00 - .15:40
Interface with magnetic measurement, availability of new large aperture probe, technical support on Q4 magnetic measurement,
Requirement on alignment system of Q4 (CERN)
15:40 - 16:30
Inputs request for magnetic field harmonics ROXIE calculation and status of SM ;
CEA modeling outcomes, discussion (CEA)
16:30 - 17 10
Plan for Q4 CAD work packages at CERN, input models (CERN)
Record of meeting
CEA presented an overall view of the status of the Short model design, the CAD models advancement, the ROXIE magnetic field modelling, and the quench heater on going design
1. Interface with cables:
CEA updated the coil magnetic section based on updated LHC 04-type cable specification (IT 2631).
Each cable unit length for respectively the Short model, the prototypes and the series has been clarified. An extra length of cable material is required on all needed ULs which includes 10 m of lead:
- SM: ULSM = 140 m, 10 ULSM needed before Dec. 2016.
- Prototype: ULP = 410 m, 2*(10 + 1) + 4 CERN back up = 26 ULP needed by spring 2019.
- Series: ULS = ULP, 4 magnets + 2 spare magnets => 48 ULS, 8 ULS for 2 apertures CERN reserve back-up, optional ( depends on company) : 2 winding practise ULS : Total of 58 ULS ( by 03/2020 for practise ULs and 1 spare, 09/2020 for the remaining ULs)
CEA is asking for representative Ic data at 1.9 K from typical cabling-degradation Ic-test.
· AI-01- DRR shall check the MQM cable strand electrical quality control test production archives
The wire/cable real-life parameters corresponds well to the past MQM cable Specification.
The RRR evolution from virgin to cabled and heat treated state was given as an indication below ( processes were improved during production time):
- 130 – 160 virgin strand (improved to 150 – 160 towards the end),
- after cabling 75-80 ( on extracted strand up to 120)
- after heat treatment 200 – 270 cable (240 – 280 towards the end)
The benefit of cable heat treatment is in the recovery/improvement of the RRR value and the removal of the cold-work stress in the material.
CEA confirmed that the contact resistance is not an important parameter for the quadrupole operation.
The comparison of Ic degradation due to cabling on averages for strand 05:
- Ic (1.9 K, 7.0 T) ~ 228 A strand, ~ 224 A cable, overall degradation due to cabling of 2.0 % ( 2.7 % at 1.9 K, 8T).
HFE is asking some typical measurement data of critical surface ( 3 fields at 4.2K and 1.9K)
AI-02- CERN to deliver some typical MQM critical surface reference data in Ascii format
Mechanical measurements of creeping effect in insulation has been checked with G Kirby on past MQY measurements. The data are not part of the traveller but have shown typical relaxation of stress up to 11% after 20 hours. It is highly recommended to perform this measurement as it is geometry dependent while the young modulus under press.
Concerning the schedule of production of strands and cables for Q4 some dedicated internal CERN meeting on week of 15th June shall be organised with JFR following the update of above ULs requirements.
2. Warm and cold magnetic measurement:
Short model warm magnetic measurement shall occur at CERN after collaring in B927 on horizontal bench. The place of the warm magnetic measurement after yoking will depend on where is done the yoking operation;
Cold magnetic measurement is done at CEA Saclay in 8 m deep test cryostat equipped with a 3 m deep tank with different probe than under warm condition. This test does not require an anticryostat. A design of rotating probe for Q4 with its adaptation onto cryostat shall be decided after test station workshop to be completed by CERN (SM18) . LFI will share the on going integration drawing with CEA and AFT.
AI-03- LFI will share the drawings of the existing system with CEA and AFT during the week of 06/06 so that the CEA team can discuss potential issues internally before the test facility workshop.
Q4 collaboration team to organise a dedicated meeting on Q4 magnetic measurement at CERN.
HFE will extend her stay to CERN on the 15th after the test facility workshop to have this discussion
The expected measurement diameter is 60 mm. the cold tube diameter of MQYY shall be confirmed by WP3 leader.
For the two propotypes the interfaces to the warm measurement system shall be defined within the PCP based on the experience of shortmodel coil.
Functional Interface specification to be prepared through an interface drawing following next MM meetings. The final layout of WMM at manufacturers sites shall be defined in PCP phase 2 engineering study.
3. Field quality and quench simulation
CEA mentioned some issues of missed geometry with exporting format of Q4 Roxie export file to Opera Tosca. This was somewhat solved by the understanding that only the magnet return end should be exported. HFE will inform SBS if there is a need to modify the ROXIE routine to also include the lead end and the layer jump in the export.
DSN presented the preminary updated quench propagation Roxie simulations on the MQYY (the magnetic length taken for the simulation is 3.744 m) based on assumption of thermal properties of coil material.The quench simulation on short model wasn’t presented on the presentation but give similar results. SBZ provided a reference of 2014 LHC MB benchmarked Roxie quench parameters report (EDMS: 1432495) which can be used to set the 2D and 2D+1 quench models.
4. Q4 Protection heater (PH) layout
The U-shape PH technology based on MQ past design was shown with rated power deposition density. A proposal of quench heater layout on quadrupole coils has been presented which consist in having 4 circuits with redundancy between two apertures and between HF and LF coil blocks. This configuration with lead side interconnections is deemed not to cross the aperture by creating inductive loops. A total of 4 power supplies are then considered to power the PHs on one Q4 coil. Some failure scenario considering full or partial loss of PHs has been analysed by ROXIE. Those simulations are under consolidation by CEA.
5. CAD model status
AFT asks that CERN is put in copy for information of the short model coil drawings;
AFT suggested that the Q4 collaboration team shares the provisional list of Short model engineering drawings, including tooling so that we could decide on categories of drawings sent to CERN for information or review depending on involved interfaces ( either on SM or future prototypes).
AI-04- HFE will provide a set of dates of drawings informal review preceding procurement. Along the same line, a set of technical review should be planned to ensure proper project progress.
The CAD model of the protection heaters will be produced by CEA but the fabrication is foreseen to happen at CERN. the Q4 collaboration team should confirm this with the proper contact person at CERN (Juan Carlos Perez, tbc)
AOB: Procurement scheme of components at CEA for Short model shall be discussed and confirmed within TE MSC so to proceed with the short model compone