3:00 PM
Extracting source sizes from two-pion correlation functions at sqrt(s) 14TeV
Nicolas Bock Garcia
(Dept. Phys., High Energy Phys. Grp.-Ohio State University-Unknow)
3:30 PM
The meaning of the time scale ∆t in Bose−Einstein correlations
Gideon Alexander
(Tel-Aviv University)
4:00 PM
Recent L3 results on BEC at LEP, improved description of the tau-model
Tamas Novak
(MTA RMKI KFKI - Budapest, KRF - Gyöngyös)
4:50 PM
Femtoscopic signatures of collective behavior
Tom Humanic
(Ohio State University)
5:20 PM
Does interferometry probe thermalization?
Jean-Yves Ollitrault
(Institut de Physique Theorique - CEA Saclay)
5:50 PM
Imaging of fragmented fireball and in non-central collisions
Boris Tomášik
(Univerzita Mateja Bela - Banska Bystrica - Slovakia)
6:20 PM
Multiplicity fluctuations as signature of the temperature fluctuations
Grzegorz Wilk
(The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland)