We present the extension of the Buda-Lund hydrodynamic model
from high energy central collisions to peripherial ones. Spectra
and the elliptic flow of indentified particles are described along
with the azimuthal dependence of two-particle correlation function
radii in the ellipsoidally symmetric generalization of the model.
Theoretical predictions were tested against RHIC data. From fits
to data of 20-30\% centrality class source parameters characterizing
these non-central ultra-relativistic heavy ion reactions were extracted.
In the simultaneous fits we used azimuthally integrated invariant
spectra of pions, kaons and protons-antiprotons measured by PHENIX
in Au+Au reactions at center of mass energy of 200 AGeV. In the same
reactions PHENIX extracted transverse momentum dependent elliptic flow
distributions, as well. STAR data were used for azimuthally variable
two-particle correlation function radii. The results show that
the central temperature in 20-30\% centrality reactions is lower, then
that in central ones, $T_{0} = 173 \pm 2(stat) MeV$. We have found that
the flow is stronger in reaction plane then out of plane. Hence, the
almond shape of the reaction zone initially elongated out of plane gets
elongated in-plane transverse direction by the time the
particle emission reaches its maximal value. The effect is reflected by
the geometrical radii in the two perpendicular directions at that time,
as well, $R_g (in-plane) = 7.8 \pm 0.2(stat) fm , \ R_g (out-plane) =
7.2 \pm 0.2(stat) fm$. This is the first time that an in-plane extended
source has been reconstructed from a simultaneous fit to identified
particle spectra, elliptic flow and azimuthally sensitive HBT data in
200 AGeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. Values for the strength of transverse
flow, width of emission time, as well as for the longitudinal rapidity
extension are provided, too.
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