At the last CLIC workshop held at CERN in October 2008, a strong willingness was expressed to regroup synergies between the CLIC and the ILC projects. As far as the alignment activity is concerned, the ILC and CLIC Beam Delivery Areas encounter similar difficulties due to the high accuracy of alignment of the components requested before the beam based alignment phase.
In the frame of the CLIC project and in accordance to its research and development (R&D) plan, the CERN Survey Team, which is responsible for the survey and alignment of the CLIC project, intends to organize in a first step an inter-comparison concerning WPS and HLS sensors that are used or being developed by different laboratories.
The objectives of this mini workshop are the following
- to inventory the existing WPS and HLS sensors
- to record the means, methods and conditions of tests on these sensors
- to define the tests to be performed on these sensors during the inter-comparison
- to establish a basis for inter-comparison and envisage collaboration with your laboratory on this study
Institutes invited to participate to this mini workshop are: BINP, DESY, ERSF, Fermi , KEK, PSI, SLAC, Soleil, SPring-8, USTC