September 7, 2016
CET timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Welcome to the HNSciCloud Tender Information Day webpage.

The event will be live streamed, the webcast will be accessible through this webpage.

If you want to know more about HNSciCloud, the PCP methodology and legal contractual aspects, the system architecture & technical requirements, check out the recordings of the presentations made during the HNSciCloud Open Market Consultation (17 March 2016):

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre
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The Network Connectivity Request: - Enter the name of the Contact Person at CERN: Sotirios Pavlou or Anita Bens

For security purposes, individuals entering the CERN site have to be registered prior to arrival. If you intend to be present in person at CERN, you have to register through the registration tab below.

On the day of the event, you will have to fetch your access card at the CERN reception (building 33), prior to entering the CERN site.

The event will take place in the IT Amphitheatre (building 31, 3d floor). Check-out the detailed timetable and register below!


+41 22 320 22 02