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Council - Hundred-and-Third Session

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
    • 1
      Report of the Credentials Committee
    • 2
      Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-second Session
    • 3
      Adoption of the Agenda
    • 4
      President's Report
    • 5
      Status Report by the Director-General
    • 6
      The Scientific Activities of CERN and Budget Estimates for the Years 1996-1999, Completion of the LEP Upgrade
    • 7
      Revised Draft Budget of the Organization for the Forty-Second Financial Year 1996
    • 8
      The Cost-Variation Index for 1996
    • 9
      CERN Pension Fund:
      • a) Adjustment of Pensions
      • b) Actuarial Review as at 31.121994/ 01.01.1995, Opinion and Recommendations of the Governing Board
      • c) Direct Payments of Maintenance Allowance, Claims on Beneficiaries of the Pension Fund
    • 10
      Direct Contributions by the Organization to the Health Insurance Cost of Beneficiaries of CERN Pension Fund
    • 11
      Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) - Report by the Chairman
    • 12
      Remuneration Review (Report by the Restricted Tripartite Group)
    • 13
      Status Report on the Merit-Oriented, Advancement Policy Based on Career Paths
    • 14
      Staff Rules and Regulations, Tenth Edition
    • 15
      Non-Member State Matters
    • 16
      Associate Status at CERN for non-European States (Director-General - Oral)
      • 17
        Elections - Composition of the Scientific Policy Committee
        • a) Appointment of the Chairman, Re-Appointment of Six Members
        • b) Election of New Members
      • 18
        Elections - External Auditors
        • a) Re-appointment of the Norwegian Public Audit Office
      • 19
        Elections - Council and Finance Committee
        • a) Re-election of President of Council
        • b) Re-election of one Vice-President
        • c) Re-election of the Chairman of the Finance Committee
      • 20
        Senior Staff Appointments
    • 21
      Report on the Closed Session
    • 22
      Draft Timetable of Council Sessions and Committee Meetings 1996
    • 23
      Other Business