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Council - Hundred-and-Second Session
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Friday 23 June 1995 - 10:00

Friday 23 June 1995


1. Report of the Credentials Committee
2. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundredth (second part) and Hundred-and-first Sessions
CERN/2079 English French
3. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/2086/Rev. English French
4. President's Report
5. Progress Reports presented to Council
CERN/2094 English-French
6. Accounts for 1994:
   6.1 Accounts for the Financial Year 1994
CERN/2087 CERN/FC/3775 English French
   6.2 Auditors' Report on the Accounts of CERN for the Financial Year 1994
CERN/FC/3776 English French
   6.3 Auditors' Report for the Financial Year 1994, Comments by the Management
CERN/FC/3777 English French
7. CERN Pension Fund:
   7.1 Annual Report 1994 of the CERN Pension Fund
CERN/2088 CERN/FC/3778 English French
   7.2 Report on the Audit of the Accounts of CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 1994
CERN/FC/3779 English French
   7.3 Report on the Audit of the Accounts of CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 1994. Comments by the Administration of the Fund
CERN/FC/3780 English French
8. The Scientific Activities of CERN and Budget Estimates for the Years 1996-1999
CENR/SPC/701 CERN/FC/3773 English French
9. Preliminary Information on the Cost-Variation Index for 1996
CERN/FC/3781 English French
10. Contributions of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic
CERN/2096 English French
11. The Fellows, Associates and Students Programmes
CERN/SPC/704 CERN/2089 English French
12. Non-Member State Matters
   12.1 Japanese Contribution to the LHC
CERN/2093 English French
13. Associate Status at CERN for non-European States
CERN/CC/2091 English French

1. Elections - Composition of the Scientific Policy Committee
   1.1 Re-appointment of one Member
CERN/2084 (Confidential) English French
   1.2 Election of one New Member
2. Elections - Council
   2.1 Election of one Vice-President of Council
   2.2 Appointment/Re-appointment of the Chairman and of the Vice-Chairman of TREF
3. Elections - Pension Fund
   3.1 Re-appointments to the Governing Board and the Investment Committee
CERN/2095 (Confidential) English French
4. Senior Staff Appointments
CERN/SPC/705 CERN/CC/2090 (Confidential) English French
15. Report on the Closed Session
16. Other Business