31 March 2009 to 4 April 2009
Université de Genève
Europe/Zurich timezone

Palais de la découverte

1 Apr 2009, 10:15
Auditoire Stuckelberg (Université de Genève)

Auditoire Stuckelberg

Université de Genève


Mr Kamil Fadel (Invited speaker)


The Palais de la découverte was founded in 1937 by the physics Nobel laureate Jean Perrin. The idea of Perrin was to create a science center where people could attend to lecture demonstrations "à la Faraday". Today, seventy years after its birth, it is still a very unique place with no equivalent in the world since all scientific topics are presented in detail to the public through experiments, including nuclear and particle physics. With an average of 55 one hour lecture demonstrations per day, more than 16 000 demonstrations are presented each year, 6 000 of which deal with physics. "How to make a good show" might seem an easy task in electrostatics, and a much more difficult one when the demonstration deals with nuclear physics. In fact, each has its own difficulties.

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