131th SPS and LHC Machine Protection Panel Meeting

Friday 22 July 2016 - 10:00
CERN (864/1-C02)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 Jul 2016
10:00 Vertical orbit kicks due to heater firing in main dipoles after beam induced and training quenches - Matthieu Valette (CERN)   (864/1-C02 - indisponible a partir du 24/04/2017)
10:20 LHC vs SPS rephasing (local references) and LHC injection - Andy Butterworth (CERN)   (864/1-C02 - indisponible a partir du 24/04/2017)
10:40 AOB - Issue with creation of PM and mitigation - Matthias Christof Poeschl (University of Applied Sciences (DE))   (864/1-C02 - indisponible a partir du 24/04/2017)
11:00 AOB - Follow-up of the reduction of the abort gap keeper window - Etienne Carlier (CERN) Nicolas Magnin (CERN)   (864/1-C02 - indisponible a partir du 24/04/2017)
11:10 AOB - ADT firmware update and revalidation before MD1 - Daniel Valuch (CERN)   (864/1-C02 - indisponible a partir du 24/04/2017)
11:20 AOB - all - Markus Zerlauth (CERN) Matthieu Valette (CERN) Jorg Wenninger (CERN) Daniel Wollmann (CERN)   (864/1-C02 - indisponible a partir du 24/04/2017)