Teleconference details: call: 1-510-665-5437 passcode: 4606
Wayne Schroeder
26/05/2009, 14:00
DICE/iRODS data intensive storage environments and
the general problems in persistent storage of large datasets
Richard Dubois
26/05/2009, 14:45
Presentation of the data preservation plans for the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope
Matt Bellis
(Stanford University)
26/05/2009, 15:00
Methods and plans for using HEP data as an educational tool
Bertrand Echenard
26/05/2009, 15:30
Presentation and demonstration of combining fits between experiments using
MINUIT and 3 laptops. Plus remarks on parallelization and optimization of user analysis code.
Jean Deken
26/05/2009, 16:10
The History of Data Preservation at SLAC in the eyes of the archivist