Ian Collier
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
31/08/2016, 15:00
Andrew McNab
(University of Manchester)
31/08/2016, 15:30
Stephen Jones
(Liverpool University)
31/08/2016, 17:20
Jeremy Coles
(University of Cambridge (GB))
01/09/2016, 09:00
A brief overview of the topics and their fit with WLCG working groups.
Samuel Cadellin Skipsey
01/09/2016, 09:10
Covering such topics as challenges as SRM disappears, caching models being discussed etc.
01/09/2016, 09:40
Open discussion on the challenges the developments in the storage area are going to present GridPP and in particular small sites.
01/09/2016, 09:55
- Vac updates (Andrew McNab, 5mins)
- GridPP cloud/evolution work (David Colling, 10 mins)
Andrew David Lahiff
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)),
Ian Collier
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
01/09/2016, 10:10
Exploring the idea of whether some larger sites can run some services for smaller sites (e.g. ARGUS, CE, BDII, ELK).
01/09/2016, 10:25
Where should GridPP focus be in the coming 6 months in light of these evolutionary changes?
Andrew Sansum,
Gareth Smith
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
01/09/2016, 11:30
Alastair Dewhurst
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
01/09/2016, 12:10
Dave Kelsey
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
02/09/2016, 11:50
Alastair Dewhurst
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
02/09/2016, 12:10
Daniel Peter Traynor
(University of London (GB)),
Terry Froy
02/09/2016, 12:30
Andrew McNab
(University of Manchester)
A brief update on the direction WLCG is taking to reduce the role of the BDII. Introducing the CRIC.