WLCG throughput call
Throughput Meeting --- August 17, 2016
Attending: Shawn, Marian, Xinran, Ilija, Andy, Jason
Excused: Horst
0) Agenda review -- No changes. Must be August since not many showed up for today's meeting :)
1) perfSONAR status
i) New network problems - RAL issue (see slides today), MIT issue: MANLAN->MIT mbit/sec. Jason: LHCONE complicating the problem. See https://www.dropbox.com/s/qkcswsil3x8lhs0/perfsonar-traffic-flow.jpg?dl=0
and https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9hfgfbh56ut1ue0/AABs0Dt3v7vovsoZae2Dqf4ra?dl=0 from Michael Tiernan. Marian: Try tracepath from MANLAN to MIT to check MTU?
ii) Updates on perfSONAR, MaDDash, mesh-config, etc. Andy: Prepping for RC for perfSONAR in a few weeks. Also test version of MaDDash available.
Mesh-configuration challenges: who own this? Need long-term home.
2) Presentation on Network Analytics (Xinran Wang & Ilija Vukotic / UC) See the network analytics presentation at :
Question about whether ML is taking into account the topology? No not yet. Alerting system is chatty? Ilija: not too much so...tests showed
a few emails a day. Test it yourself. Marian: question about NTP issues and bad time? Lots of discussion. Marian also noted new student
will be at CERN and available to work on network analytics for ~2 months to see if there is a suitable bachelor's level topic there. Will
open email thread with Ilija on possibilities.
3) Round-table: Items to discuss? No time this meeting.
4) AOB and next meeting: We will be having the next meeting sometime in September (8th) and will be the European variant.
We will send email notification as we get closer.