LIU-PSB Meeting 179 (EN-STI Review)

864-2-B14 (CERN)



Klaus Hanke (CERN)
    • 16:00 16:05
      Approval of Minutes 5m
      Speakers: Bettina Mikulec (CERN), Klaus Hanke (CERN)
    • 16:05 16:15
      Communications 10m
      Speakers: Bettina Mikulec (CERN), Klaus Hanke (CERN)
    • 16:15 16:25
      Follow-up of Open Actions 10m
      Speakers: Bettina Mikulec (CERN), Klaus Hanke (CERN)
    • 16:25 16:35
      Material Choice for the Vacuum Window at the Exit of BTM 10m
      Speaker: Chiara Di Paolo (Politecnico di Torino (IT))
    • 16:35 16:55
      EN-STI Activities in the Framework of LIU-PSB 20m

      o Validation Certificates for the LIU-PSB Dumps/Stoppers
      o Specification of the H0/H- Dump
      o Thermo-Mechanical Simulations of the PSB Beam Scrapers/Absorbers

      Speaker: Inigo Lamas Garcia (CERN)
    • 16:55 17:00
      AOB 5m

      CO workpackage follow up (Jochen Betz)