Nobuchika Okada
We propose a model of low scale gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking in
Randall-Sundrum type warped extra dimensions. In our setup, both of the visible
sector and the hidden sector (supersymmetry breaking sector) co-exist on infrared
(IR) brane. Supersymmetry breaking is transmitted through non-renormalizable contact
interactions among visible and hidden sector fields as the same as in the
conventional minimal supergravity scenario in four dimensions. However, due to the
warped metric, the effective cutoff scale on the IR brane is ``warped down'', and, as
a result, the contact interactions among the visible and hidden sector fields are
enhanced. We investigate collider phenomenology in the case with the IR cutoff scale
around 10 TeV. We find a possibility that hidden sector fields, if they are light
enough, can be produced at future colliders, LHC and ILC. Interestingly, main
production processes are similar to those for Higgs boson with comparable production
cross sections, while their decay processes are quite different and provide us with
clean signatures.
Nobuchika Okada