Sven Heinemeyer
(University of Zaragoza)
Electroweak precision measurements can provide indirect information about the
possible scale of supersymmetry already at the present level of accuracy. We perform
a chi^2 fit in various SUSY scenarios including the W boson mass, the effective
leptonic weak mixing angle, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, the decay b ->
s gamma and the lightes MSSM Higgs boson mass, taking also into account the Cold Dark
Matter density. The investigated scenarios comprise the CMSSM, the VCMSSM (where
A_0/m_0 is fixed), Gravitino dark matter scenarios and the NUHM (where M_A and mu are
additional free parameters as compared to the CMSSM). In all the scenarios we map out
the parameter regions preferred by the fit. The corresponding good prospects for the
ILC are analyzed and discussed.
Sven Heinemeyer
(University of Zaragoza)