Felix Sefkow
We present a study of various SUSY scenarios in which the lightest supersyummertric
particle (LSP) is the gravitino and the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle
(NLSP) is a metastable stau with lifetimes ranging from seconds up to several years.
At the ILC such heavy stau's are copiously produced either directly or through
cascade decays. A proper choice of the cms energy allows one to stop large samples in
the calorimeters of the ILC detector and subsequently study the decays of stau ->
photon + gravitino. A detailed simulation shows that the properties of the stau and
the gravitino, such as lifetimes and masses, can be accuarately determined at a
future linear collider. Heavy gravitinos are interesting dark matter candidates which
cannot be directly detected in astrophyscial experiments.
Felix Sefkow
Hans-Ulrich Martyn