Ajit Kembhavi
The concept of virtual observatories has recently emerged to enable
astronomers to deal with the management, analysis, visualization and
mining of vast quantities of astronomical data. The task is difficult
because of the diversity of data obtained at different wavelengths and the
very different techniques used in the analysis. There is the need to
develop data formats, interoperability standards, registries, data bases,
and tools for exploring and using the multiwavelength and multiscale data.
This is being done through large and small virtual observatory programmes
based in several countries, and federated under the International Virtual
Observatory Alliance.
I will describe in my talk the virtual observatory concept, and the
developments which have taken place over the last few years under that
banner. I will particularly consider the applications developed by the
Virtual Observatory - India project, through an innovative and highly
productive collaboration between astronomers and professionals from the
information technology industry, and plans for future work.
The tools and techniques developed by virtual observatory programmes can
eful in any field where large amounts of data are used,
like high energy physics, remote sensing, population studies and
bioinformatics. I will describe some possible applications outside
astronomy, and the great scope which exists for interactions between
people working in completely different disciplines.
Ajit Kembhavi