8–13 Mar 2006
Indian Institute of Science
Europe/Zurich timezone

FeynHiggs2.3: new features

10 Mar 2006, 11:20
Hall B (Indian Institute of Science)

Hall B

Indian Institute of Science

C. V. Raman Road, Bangalore 560012, India
Oral Higgs and EWSB Higgs and EWSB


Dr Sven Heinemeyer (University of Zaragoza)


FeynHiggs is a program for computing MSSM Higgs-boson masses and related observables, such as mixing angles, branching ratios, couplings and production cross sections, including state-of-the-art higher-order contributions (also for the case of explicit CP-violation). The centerpiece is a Fortran library for use with Fortran and C/C++. Alternatively, FeynHiggs has a command-line, Mathematica, and Web interface. We present the new version FeynHiggs2.3.


Dr Sven Heinemeyer (University of Zaragoza)


Dr Georg Weiglein (IPPP Durham, UK) Dr Thomas Hahn (MPI Munich, Germany) Prof. Wolfgang Hollik (MPI Munich, Germany)

Presentation materials