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8–13 Mar 2006
Indian Institute of Science
Europe/Zurich timezone

Small Visible Energy Scalar Top Iterative Discriminant Analysis

11 Mar 2006, 11:00
Hall C (Indian Institute of Science)

Hall C

Indian Institute of Science

C. V. Raman Road, Bangalore 560012, India
Oral SUSY Particles SUSY Particles


Dr Andre Sopczak (Lancaster University)


The precision determination of scalar top quark properties will play an important role at a future International Linear Collider (ILC). The scenario with small expected visible energies, from almost mass degenerate stops and neutralinos, is cosmologically motivated and experimentally particularly challenging. This scenario has been investigated with an Iterative Discriminant Analysis (IDA) and first results on the IDA performance are reported. The simulation is based on a fast and realistic detector simulation. A vertex detector concept of the Linear Collider Flavor Identification (LCFI) collaboration, which studies pixel detectors for heavy quark flavour identification, is implemented in the simulations for c-quark tagging.

Primary authors

Dr Alex Finch (Lancaster University) Dr Andre Sopczak (Lancaster University) Dr Ayres Freitas (Zurich University) Dr Caroline Milstene (Fermilab) Dr Michael Schmitt (Northwestern University)

Presentation materials