8–13 Mar 2006
Indian Institute of Science
Europe/Zurich timezone

Signals of Universal Extra Dimensions at the ILC

10 Mar 2006, 09:25
Hall B (Indian Institute of Science)

Hall B

Indian Institute of Science

C. V. Raman Road, Bangalore 560012, India
Oral New Physics at TeV Scale & Electroweak Precision Test New Physics at TeV Scale and Precision Electroweak


Mr Biplob Bhattacherjee (University of Calcutta, Department of Physics)


The Universal Extra Dimension models are supposed to mimic SUSY at colliders. They are also of interest as a source of cold dark matter. I discuss how ILC can discriminate between UED and SUSY from lepton pair production. I will also discuss how, in UED, single production of n=2 electroweak gauge bosons as s-channel resonances (much in the same vein as LEP) may lead to a precision study of these models.


Mr Biplob Bhattacherjee (University of Calcutta, Department of Physics)

Presentation materials