8–13 Mar 2006
Indian Institute of Science
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study on Low-Energy Positron Polarimetry

12 Mar 2006, 15:30
LT (J. N. Tata Auditorium) (Indian Institute of Science)

LT (J. N. Tata Auditorium)

Indian Institute of Science

C. V. Raman Road, Bangalore 560012, India
Oral Machine Detector Interface Machine Detector Interface


Andreas Schaelicke (DESY, Zeuthen)


For the design of the ILC a polarised positron source based on a helical undulator system has been proposed. In order to optimise the positron beam, i.e. to ensure high intensity as well as high degree of polarisation, a measurement of the polarisation close to the positron creation point is envisaged. In this contribution methods to determine the positron polarisation at low energies are discussed. For a more detailed analysis simulations with an extended version of Geant4, which allows the tracking of polarised particles taking into account the spin effects, are currently performed. A status will be presented.


Andreas Schaelicke (DESY, Zeuthen) Sabine Riemann (DESY, Zeuthen)


Karim Laihem (DESY, Zeuthen) Ralph Dollan (Humboldt University Berlin) Thomas Lohse (Humboldt University Berlin)

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