Gautam Bhattacharyya
(SINP, India)
In the context of an universal extra-dimensional scenario, we consider
production of the first Kaluza-Klein electron positron pair in an $e^+e^-$
collider as a case-study for the future International Linear Collider. The
Kaluza-Klein electron decays into a nearly degenerate Kaluza-Klein photon and
a standard electron, the former carrying away missing energy. The Kaluza-Klein
electron and photon states are heavy with their masses around the inverse
radius of compactification, and their splitting is controlled by radiative
corrections originating from bulk and brane-localised interactions. We look
for the signal event $e^+e^- +$ large missing energy for $\sqrt s = 1$ TeV and
observe that with a few hundred fb$^{-1}$ luminosity the signal will be
readily detectable over the standard model background. We comment on how this
signal may be distinguished from similar events from other new physics.
Gautam Bhattacharyya
(SINP, India)