8–13 Mar 2006
Indian Institute of Science
Europe/Zurich timezone

Detector Concept 4

10 Mar 2006, 15:30
J. N. Tata Auditorium (Indian Institute of Science)

J. N. Tata Auditorium

Indian Institute of Science

C. V. Raman Road, Bangalore 560012, India
Oral Plenary Plenary


John Hauptman (Iowa State University)


The 4th Concept detector consists of four detector systems, a small-pixel vertex detector, a high-resolution TPC, a new multiple-readout fiber calorimeter and a new dual-solenoid iron-free muon system. We will discuss the design of a comprehension facility that measures and identifies all partons of the standard model, including hadronic W and Z decays, with high precision and high efficiency with an emphasis on the calorimeter and muon systems.

Presentation materials