Christian Grah
In the Very Forward Region of the detectors for the International Linear Collider two
subsystems will be situated: LumiCal and BeamCal. These detectors cover a polar angle
range from 82 mrad down to a 4 mrad. LumiCal and BeamCal give the possibility of the
detection of single high energetic particles in their coverage region. Despite this a
precise measurement of the total luminosity will be done using the LumiCal. This
detector is optimized to achieve a relative error on the luminosity of 10E-4 by
measuring bhabha events. Studies on the physics background in this region are
presented and on systematic uncertainties introduced by displacement, beam-beam
effects and the geometries for different crossing angles. The BeamCal is used to
obtain a fast luminosity signal by measuring the deposited energy from pairs
originating from beamstrahlung. Furthermore analysing the shape of the deposited
energy grants access to the parameters of the colliding beams. These measurements can
be used to tune the beams and maximize the achievable luminosity. The analysis of the
energy depositions for different geometries and a realistic detector simulation are
presented which show encoruaging results.
Christian Grah
Andrey Sapronov
(Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna)
Cécile Rimbault
(LAL Orsay)
Mila Pandurovic
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Science Belgrade)
Ronen Ingbir
(Tel Aviv University)