Usha Mallik
(University of Iowa)
After the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the next step for making progress in Particle
Physics is the International Linear Collider project which will make precision
measurements, often complimentary to those from the LHC, and provide detailed insight
into the anticipated discoveries. In order to achieve the physics goals, the
detectors at the Intenational Linear Collider must have fine precision - in
particular, an excellent jet energy resolution will be critical to many of the
measurements. Hence, calorimetry is central to each of the proposed detector
concepts; the majority are based on the Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) approach. The
founding principle of a PFA is to isolate the charged and the neutral showers so that
the charged energy can be measured with the excellent resolution provided by the
tracking detector. Clearly, minimizing confusion between the fragments of showers
from charged and neutral particles is very important, since it would otherwise lead
to worsening of the resolution. Several implementations of the PFA are being
attempted with a strong simulation effort by many groups. The proof of principle has
to be established in order to finalize a detector design. An overview of the
realities of a PFA algorithm and a summary of the status of a few of these studies
from the US groups will be described with emphasis on the SiD concept.
Usha Mallik
(University of Iowa)