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Satyaki Bhattacharya
(University of Delhi)
12/03/2006, 14:00
Higgs and EWSB
Search for the Higgs boson is the principal motivation of the LHC experiments.
Potential of discovery will be presented from simulation studies by both CMS and
ATLAS collaborations in the Standard Model scenario.
Naveen Gaur
(University of Delhi)
12/03/2006, 14:20
Higgs and EWSB
The predictions by Standard Model (SM) of particle physics are in excellent
agreement with experiments till date. But still theoretically SM has well emphasized
problems like fine-tuning and hierarchy problem. These problems are associated with
the Higgs sector of SM. It is widely believed that some new physics will take over
from SM at TeV scale. Many such new physics models have been...
(Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
12/03/2006, 14:40
Higgs and EWSB
Doubly charged scalars, predicted in many models having exotic Higgs representations,
can in general have lepton-number violating (LFV) couplings. The basis of most
searches for this charged scalar has been to look for its direct production and its
subsequent decay to like-sign final state leptons. In this work we show that by using
an associated monoenergetic final state photon seen at a...
Mamta Dahiya
(S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, Delhi)
12/03/2006, 15:00
Higgs and EWSB
We examine the resolving power of an e-gamma collider in the context of HWW vertices.
This has the advantage over an e+e- collider in being able to dissociate them from
any deviations in the ZHH vertex. We construct several dynamical variables which may
be used to constrain various possible form factors in the HWW vertex.