Samadrita Roychowdhury
(Duke University)
12/03/2006, 09:00
Gamma-Gamma e-Gamma e-e- Physics and Technology
We propose the scheme of a polarized positron source for the International Linear
Collider (ILC). The process is based on a well-known principle of electron-positron
pair creation from polarized gamma rays produced by Compton scattering of the
circularly polarized laser light off a high-energy electron beam (e-beam). Our
system employs multiple interactions of a 6GeV e-beam produced by...
Alex Finch
(Lancaster University)
12/03/2006, 09:20
Gamma-Gamma e-Gamma e-e- Physics and Technology
On 10th Jan 2006 a meeting took place at the Daresbury Lab, UK to discuss the laser
cavity design proposed by Klemz et. al. I will report on this meeting.
Valery Telnov
(Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia)
12/03/2006, 09:40
Gamma-Gamma e-Gamma e-e- Physics and Technology
It is very likely that due to the cost “optimization” the ILC will have only one
detector and no further energy upgrade. This scenario with a long run time at the
energy 2E<=500 GeV only strengthens the case of the photon collider. In any case, it
is very important to develop a design which allows the best possible parameters of
the photon collider. The gamma-gamma luminosity is determined...
Maria Krawczyk
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University)
12/03/2006, 10:00
Gamma-Gamma e-Gamma e-e- Physics and Technology
CAIN simulation program was used to study the outgoing beam profile for the Photon
Collider at ILC. The main aim of the analysis was to verify the feasibility of Photon
Collider running with 20 mrad electron beam crossing angle. The main problem is the
distorted electron beam, which has to be removed from interaction region. It was
shown that with new design of final dipol it should be...
Ritesh Singh
(LPT Orsay, France)
12/03/2006, 11:00
Gamma-Gamma e-Gamma e-e- Physics and Technology
We discuss how the CP quantum numbers of a neutral Higgs boson may be probed using
fermion polarization at a photon collider. To this aim we construct polarization
asymmetries which can isolate the contribution of a Higgs boson phi in gamma gamma
-> f fbar, f = tau/t, from that due to the QED continuum. This can help in getting
information on the gamma-gamma-phi coupling in case phi is...
Eri Asakawa
(Theory Group, KEK, Japan)
12/03/2006, 11:20
Top and QCD
We study effects of heavy Higgs bosons on the top-pair production process at a photon
linear collider. The interference patterns between the resonant Higgs-production
amplitudes and the continuum QED amplitudes are examined. The patterns tell us the CP
nature of the Higgs bosons. We show that the above interference patterns of the
production amplitudes can be studied by observing top decay...
Bin Zang
(Tsinghua University)
12/03/2006, 11:40
Gamma-Gamma e-Gamma e-e- Physics and Technology
We study the sensitivity of testing the anomalous gauge couplings (g_HVV) of the
Higgs boson in the formulation of linearly realized gauge symmetry via the processes
gamma gamma to ZZ and gamma gamma to WWWW at polarized and unpolarized photon
colliders based on e+e- linear colliders of c.m.energies 500 GeV, 1 TeV, and 3 TeV.
Signals beyond the standard model (SM) and SM backgrounds are...
Maria Krawczyk
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University)
12/03/2006, 12:00
Gamma-Gamma e-Gamma e-e- Physics and Technology
Measurement of the heavy neutral MSSM Higgs bosons H and A at the Photon Collider is
considered for the parameter range corresponding to the so-called "LHC wedge". The
main background for the measured process, gamma+gamma->A,H->b+bbar, is due to the
direct heavy-quark production, gamma+gamma->Q+Qbar. Here assumptions and results of
two analyses which take into account NLO QCD corrections...