Burrows, P.
(Queen Mary, Univ of London)
10/03/2006, 11:50
Machine Detector Interface
Markiewicz, T.
11/03/2006, 10:00
Machine Detector Interface
Karsten Buesser
11/03/2006, 10:30
Machine Detector Interface
Klaus Monig
(Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik Zeuthen)
11/03/2006, 11:00
Machine Detector Interface
Markiewicz, T.
12/03/2006, 09:00
Machine Detector Interface
Valery Telnov
(Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia)
12/03/2006, 09:20
Machine Detector Interface
Christian Grah
12/03/2006, 09:30
Machine Detector Interface
In the Very Forward Region of the detectors for the International Linear Collider two
subsystems will be situated: LumiCal and BeamCal. These detectors cover a polar angle
range from 82 mrad down to a 4 mrad. LumiCal and BeamCal give the possibility of the
detection of single high energetic particles in their coverage region. Despite this a
precise measurement of the total luminosity will...
Cecile Rimbault
(LAL Orsay)
12/03/2006, 09:50
Machine Detector Interface
A way to determine luminosity at ILC is to measure Bhabha scattering in the
LumiCal. For physics requirements, one needs to reach a precision of 10^-4 for the
luminosity determination and thus the Bhabha cross section. Whereas studies on
theoretical uncertainties on the cross section and on mis-identified Bhabhas in the
LumiCal are fully performed, bias on Bhabha measurement due to...
Uladzimir Druhakou
(NC PHEP, Minsk / DESY)
12/03/2006, 10:00
Machine Detector Interface
Tim Barklow
(Stanford University)
12/03/2006, 10:15
Machine Detector Interface
Sudhir Dixit
(University of Oxford - John Adams Institute)
12/03/2006, 14:10
Machine Detector Interface
Anthony Hartin
(John Adams Institute, Oxford University)
12/03/2006, 14:15
Machine Detector Interface
The bunch fields at the interaction point of the ILC have a dominant effect on
background pair production. The Breit-Wheeler, Bethe-Heitler and Landau-Lifshitz
processes have all been studied in detail. The number of background pairs per bunch
crossing due to these processes is well known. However the effect of the bunch fields
on the Breit-Wheeler process has not been calculated. This...
Arnaud Ferrari
(University of Uppsala)
12/03/2006, 14:25
Machine Detector Interface
We have performed a detailed study of the power losses along the post-collision
extraction line of a TeV e+e- collider with a crossing angle of 20~mrad at the
interaction point. Five cases were considered: four luminosity configurations for ILC
and one for CLIC. For all of them, the strong beam-beam effects at the interaction
point lead to an emittance growth for the outgoing beams, as...
Grahame Blair
(Royal Holloway, Univ. of London)
12/03/2006, 14:40
Machine Detector Interface
Grahame Blair
(Royal Holloway, Univ. of London)
12/03/2006, 14:55
Machine Detector Interface
Rob Appleby
(The Cockcroft Institute)
12/03/2006, 15:00
Machine Detector Interface
The complete optics design for the 2mrad crossing angle interaction region and
extraction line was presented at Snowmass 2005. Since this time, the design task
force has been working on developing and improving the layout. The work has focused
on optimising the final doublet (including by using higher gradient magnet
materials), on reducing the power losses resulting from the disrupted...
Paul Coe
(University of Oxford)
12/03/2006, 15:15
Machine Detector Interface
The StaFF (Stabilisation of Final Focus) system will use interferometers to monitor
the relative positions of several key components in the beam-delivery and interaction
region. The most demanding application will be the relative position monitoring of
the ILCs final focus quadrupole magnets; whose mutual and beam-relative stability,
will have a direct impact on detector...
Andreas Schaelicke
(DESY, Zeuthen)
12/03/2006, 15:30
Machine Detector Interface
For the design of the ILC a polarised positron source based on a helical undulator
system has been proposed. In order to optimise the positron beam, i.e. to ensure
high intensity as well as high degree of polarisation, a measurement of the
polarisation close to the positron creation point is envisaged.
In this contribution methods to determine the positron polarisation at low...
Karim Laihem
(Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik Zeuthen)
12/03/2006, 15:45
Machine Detector Interface
The full exploitation of the physics potential of an International Linear Collider
(ILC), will require the development of polarized positron beams. Having both
positron and electron beams polarized will be a decisive improvement for
many physics studies in the linear collider, providing new insight into
structures of couplings and thus access to the physics beyond the standard
model. The...