UM Semester Abroad - Student Talks

40/R-A10 (CERN)



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Steven Goldfarb (University of Michigan (US))
Student Talks for University of Michigan National Research Abroad Program at CERN
    • 15:00 15:20
      Introductory Remarks 20m
      Speaker: Steven Goldfarb (University of Melbourne (AU))
    • 15:20 15:30
      Data Quality Monitoring with Machine Learning at CMS 10m
      Speaker: Hector Felipe Lacera Otalora (Texas Tech University (US))
    • 15:30 15:40
      Triggers for di-Higgs Production at ATLAS 10m
      Speaker: Grace Marie Haza (University of Michigan (US))
    • 15:40 15:50
      Increasing the Spatial Resolution of the Tile Calorimeter 10m
      Speaker: Anthony Robert Bisulco (University of Michigan (US))
    • 15:50 16:00
      TID effects on ABC130 read out chip 10m
      Speaker: Georgia Elizabeth Murray (University of Michigan (US))
    • 16:00 16:10
      Vector Boson Scattering 10m
      Speaker: Zunran Guo (University of Michigan (US))
    • 16:10 16:20
      Placeholder Title 10m
    • 16:20 16:40
      AOB 20m