The workshop on "Pilot Applications of Electron Plasma Accelerators (PAEPA)" is co-organized by the EuCARD-2 Network Novel Acceleration Concepts and the H2020 design study collaboration EuPRAXIA. The goal of this workshop is to identify pilot applications for plasma accelerators both in high energy physics (HEP), particle accelerator technology, but also in other fields of science and accelerator technology. In particular, this workshop aims at defining design beam parameters required by applications of electron beams to be delivered by the future European plasma accelerator research facility EuPRAXIA. Discussing concrete applications in the view of the design of a future facility will hopefully strengthen the connection between the communities of classical accelerator users and developers, nuclear and particle physicists, detector developers and the laser plasma accelerator developers.
Attendance to this workshop is by invitation only and the participation is limited to 35–40 scientists. There is no registration fee. Please refer to the section "Registration" for requesting an invitation. Registration deadline is September 28, 2016, so please register as soon as possible.
We have a limited amount of travel support. If you do need travel support, please specify this in your request for invitation.